Are you new to the ObesityHelp Community? Introduce yourself

Member Services
on 6/28/14 8:38 am - Irvine, CA

Welcome to OH.  One of the things you'll see on the boards is members posting that they regret not having surgery earlier in their lives. 

Kudos to you for considering it at a younger age and being an advocate for your health.

on 6/22/14 6:58 am - Augusta, ME
VSG on 09/15/14

Hello...I have a confession to make...I've been stalking you all for weeks.    I started out looking at the lap-band but my doctor and I have decided the sleeve is the best choice for me.   I have been through the seminar, the scope, a first dietitian and first support group psych eval is scheduled for excited for my surgery to be scheduled!  I want to thank you all for such great information here.  I just hope I can be as successful as many of you seem to be! 

Small Steps lead to surprising changes... ~Mikki Hw 232 sw 208.4 cw138.8. m1-17, m2 -8, m3 -11 m4 - 6, m5 -6, m6 -5 m7 -4, m8 -6 m9 -2 m10 -2 m11 -5 m12 -2 m13 -2 *Goal reached in 10.5 months!*

Member Services
on 6/28/14 8:40 am - Irvine, CA

We're glad you're a member of the OH community and not a stalker.  LOL

You're moving along in your pre-op testing.  Please post when your surgery date is.  Since you've decided on the Sleeve, check out the Sleeve message board for additional support and info.

on 6/22/14 7:09 am, edited 6/22/14 7:09 am

I am new to OH. Started my WLS experience about 2 months ago after 10 years or so of denying that I needed the surgery. I currently weigh 552lbs but was 632lbs at my highest. Having a Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy on July 7, 2014. All kinds of emotions happening right now, but mostly I am excited to finally get my life back. 


Starting weight: 632lbs

Current: 552lbs

Surgery date: 7/7/2014

Member Services
on 6/28/14 9:32 am - Irvine, CA

You'll have an amazing WLS journey!  Welcome to the OH community. 

We hope you'll use your OH blog to journal your WLS. 

on 6/22/14 8:12 am

hi im my name is marti and im new so lost in how to loose the weight for surgery....I drink the shakes and eat one meal a day but I feel like im starving myself and I don't know what else to do..i drink so much water im water logged as I call it . im starting out at 271 and when I went in for my 2 week weigh in I only lost .5 pounds...idk on what else I can do...I walk and lift all day at work...

Member Services
on 6/28/14 10:19 am - Irvine, CA

Talk to your surgeon or nutritionist about what you're eating and the shakes to make sure you're getting in enough protein to satisfy you.  Is it physical hunger or head hunger that is making you feel as though you're starving yourself? 

Don't worry about the .5 pounds.  That will change.  Keep on the course that your surgeon wants you to do in preparation for your surgery. 

Welcome to ObesityHelp!

on 6/22/14 8:59 am

Hi! My name is Chrissy! I  am 37, almost 38, & live in the DFW area. I'm a mom, wife, & a teacher. I'm home for the summer, & I have a consultation for the sleeve on Wed, July 2 @ 2:30. I'm almost 5'6 & 210 lbs but have high cholesterol , sleep apnea, adult onset asthma, & just had a bout of arthralgia & erythema Nodosum, so I hope BCBS of TX will approve it! I'm scared of the 1:500 mortality rate, esp since I'm a social smoker (gotta stop). I'm finding your posts very helpful. I'd love to be between 130 & 145. Ah, those were the days.

Member Services
on 6/28/14 10:16 am - Irvine, CA

The mortality rate for WLS is better than living with morbid obesity and all the co-morbid condition mortality.  Make sure to have your surgery with a COE (Center of Excellence).  The COE designation is important because certain qualifications and criteria must be met before being awarded the designation.  Think of it like the Good Housekeeping seal of approval, only for bariatrics. 

We commend you for acknowledging that you'll need to stop smoking.  As a FYI and supportive motivation, many surgeons won't perform surgery if a patient is smoking. 

Welcome to the OH community.  We hope you hang out with us lots.  The 130 and 145 days can be yours again!

on 6/22/14 9:27 am

Hi everyone! 

I am new here. I started my weight loss journey in October of 2013 and now have a tentative surgery date set for July 22 pending insurance approval for VSG. I am nervous and excited at the same time. I hope to hear something soon so I can focus on the next phase of this journey. Any tips you can give me are greatly appreciated. Thank you! 

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