I am Confused. Day 3 postop RNY

on 6/6/14 6:50 am
RNY on 06/03/14

So they give me this diet to follow and give me these little cups for my meals.  But am I not eating enough, Am I eating to much? I am drinking like a lot and it is going good, just a lot of burping.  But do I eat 2oz of pureed meat? I stop at 1oz cause I am afraid I will overfill it. Still waiting for a BM, Should I walk more?  Maybe I need to call the nurse?  She said I won't get  up to the full amount right away. 

They changed my pain meds cause I was itching and getting nauseas.  So, now that is good I can function a little better.  I just feel bloated and When should I see any weight loss? right now I am so constipated I might have gained weight.  I feel lost and just want to sleep.  I want to sleep but dr. said not to that, I have to schedule my naps. and  don'****ch tv, So I can only go for so many walks with out being in pain. 

I am glad I am going back in 2 weeks.  In the meantime maybe someone can help with all my questions.




Heaviest 296,  Starting 286, Post-Op 255, Goal 150

on 6/6/14 10:31 am
RNY on 08/21/12

Every plan is a little different, and I don't know the details of yours. Try to follow it as closely as you can, and you will do ok.

You may have gained weight. The surgery and all the fluids they give you will do that. I gained 9 pounds in the hospital. But as long as you follow your plan, you will lose.

Walk as much as you can. It may be uncomfortable, but is important in several ways. You'll feel a little better each day.

Right now, you are stuck with all the negatives of surgery, and have got none of the positives. Pretty soon the negatives will fade away, and all the successes will come rolling in. Stick to your plan, and hang in there.

6'3" tall, male.

Highest weight was 475. RNY on 08/21/12. Current weight: 198.

M1 -24; M2 -21; M3 -19; M4 -21; M5 -13; M6 -21; M7 -10; M8 -16; M9 -10; M10 -8; M11 -6; M12 -5.

on 6/6/14 11:06 am
RNY on 06/03/14

Thank you. :-)  I used my Essential Oil DigestZen and it is helping with the gas.  I will keep following what they said.  


Heaviest 296,  Starting 286, Post-Op 255, Goal 150

Amy R.
on 6/7/14 2:45 am

Yep, what Grim said.

They don't call the first week "hell week" for no reason.  It's confusing, painful and sometimes a little discouraging.  But it gets better. SO much better.

The best thing for me was to get up and around.  Everytime I thought of it I walked around the house.  It helps gas, encourages healing, and just generally gives you a mental boost because you realize you're not dying and you'll get through this.  So walk, and sip, and walk and sip some more.

More important than solids that first few days is staying hydrated.  Sounds like you're good there, so pat  yourself on the back. 

If you have specific questions, call your surgeon.  You don't have to wait until the two week check up.  They're used to phone calls from those early out, I can guarantee it.

It sounds like you're doing great.  Things can be confusing at first and that is normal.  It sounds like I'm simplifying things and maybe I am, but literally if you can just keep sipping and walking you'll be well on  your way to feeling better.  Remember that each day you get through, you're a day closer to healing.

Congratulations on your surgery!  It will change your life.=)

on 6/7/14 6:43 am
RNY on 04/17/14

You're three days post-op and you're eating pureed meat??  I understand every physician is different and the schedule my doctor gave me was not to eat much of anything until week 6.  Meat may be very hard on your system at this point.  For the first two weeks I ate (drank) two ounces of low fat condensed soup and two tablespoons of strained cream of wheat.  I also had Jello and protein drinks along with popsicles and low fat, plain Greek yogurt mixed with Crystal Light.  I didn't start getting hungry until about the third week and I increased my food intake to a half a cup of whatever I was eating.  I went from two tablespoons to a quarter cup to a third cup and then a half cup. 

Walk as much as you can...not speed walking but get up and move.  That will help with gas and as for the burping, did your doctor prescribe anything for gas/stomach acid?  I'll be on those meds for six months so I don't get much gas at all.

Good luck!


Cicerogirl, The PhD

on 6/8/14 3:43 am - OH

Some surgeons allow soft foods (e.g., scrambled eggs and soft cheeses) on Day Three because they have found that "babying" the pouch with liquids and purées for several weeks causes more trouble when foods are reintroduced.  

If you are not introduced to soft foods until six weeks out, your surgeon is one of the ultra conservative ones.


14 years out; 190 pounds lost, 165 pound loss maintained

You don't drown by falling in the water. You drown by staying there.

on 6/7/14 10:47 pm

Relax.  The hard part is over. Now is not the time to think about the weight loss. Now is the healing from surgery time. What you described is what all of us went through so you are doing great. Curl up with a warm heating pad. That will help with the gas. Pepcid chewable will help with the upset stomach. 

Remember you did a clean out before surgery. There is nothing in there to poop out.  It could be several days and be warned. At first you will look pretty nasty as all the blood and stomach gunk causes by surgery will come out and then the hard as rock boulder poops will start. That is because you will only be consuming protein.

Follow the diet he gave. Your stomach is fine. You need the protein to heal. 


Ao. I hope you are feeling a little better about how you are feeling. You just went through major surgery. It will take time to get moving. No lifting. Just rest. Moving will help get those secret pockets that the gas they pump you up with hides internally. 


Congratulations on your new life



"The first thing I do in the morning is brush my teeth and sharpen my tongue." --- Dorothy Parker  

"You may not like what I say or how I say it, but it may be just exactly what you need to hear." ---Kathryn White



on 6/8/14 2:18 am
RNY on 06/03/14

Just had a special diet the week before no clean out. I guess each dr. Is different. I keep moving and gas is moving. If I happen to stop like Day 3 then I was miserable.  I do daily walks like 3-4 times a day I feel better.  I went to church today and I actually had a Bm.  Must have been divine intervention. 

Thanks for all the info.  Today is going great, slept good last night and on a different pain med. All is good, riding in a car, truck is too bumpy.  


Heaviest 296,  Starting 286, Post-Op 255, Goal 150

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