dizzyness and fainting on walks?????

on 5/31/14 2:30 am

I recently have been getting dizzy and fainting while walking my dogs.  I am 3 month post-op, from a RNY gastric bypass, I was Diabetic, but I am off all meds and insulin.  I was lucky a man assited me and called my husband last time, I managed to get up on my own and sit on curb till I felt better the other time, luckily doggies stayed with me.  I am scared to walk by myself, see surgeon this week and have blood test also.  I just wonder if anyone out there has had any of these problems???

on 5/31/14 2:56 am
RNY on 08/21/12

It's fairly common, and most likely is orthostatic hypotension, or low blood pressure. You can find lots of information out there.

The best thing you can do is drink more. If you think you are drinking enough, you aren't. You also need more electrolytes. Add salt to your food, and try sports drinks like Powerade Zero.

And be careful.

6'3" tall, male.

Highest weight was 475. RNY on 08/21/12. Current weight: 198.

M1 -24; M2 -21; M3 -19; M4 -21; M5 -13; M6 -21; M7 -10; M8 -16; M9 -10; M10 -8; M11 -6; M12 -5.

VSG on 06/12/13

To build on what Grim said, I specifically asked my surgeon about this at my 6 month visit as it was troublesome for me. All of my labs came back normal, but my PCP did a few tests and diagnosed me with orthostatic hypotension. The surgeon explained that during rapid weight loss, our blood vessels do not shrink as quickly as the rest of us and so the blood vessels, especially in the legs, are flabby. It's normal for the blood to rush to our feet when going from sit to stand, and once the blood hits our flabby lower vasculature, it stays there until the heart gets the message that it needs to get going! That is why we feel lightheaded. Both docs told me to not be afraid of the salt shaker, drink a G2 each day, and be careful. It went away in time and rarely happens now.



Sleeved 6/12/13 - 100 pounds lost to get to goal!

on 5/31/14 12:51 pm
VSG on 12/31/13

If you haven't an a thorough evaluation for this, you need to. It may very well be something benign as orthostatic hypotension. Or it could be a more serious thing like heart rhythm problems, thyroid disease or adrenal disease. Don't mess around with this. It is not normal to be dizzy and faint. Don't assume it's nothing until everything else has been ruled out.

HW: 229 ; SW: 208 (-21);  GW: 125

Wt. Loss:   M1: 189 -(19)  M2: 178 (-11)  M3: 172 (-5)  M4: 170 (-2)  M5: 166 (-4)






Terrie W.
on 6/1/14 1:51 pm - Iuka, Ms

Had the same happen to me 13 yrs ago. I checked my heart rate. It was in the 30's. Ended up having A pacemaker put in. The vagal nerve was damaged during surgery. Doing well now with pacemaker


MyLady Heidi
on 6/2/14 12:18 pm

I has two incidents of dehydration that caused me to pass out, one at a ren faire and one at a parade.  Scared the **** out of me both times, learned my lesson about staying hydrated and keeping electrolytes up, especially sodium and potassium.  Thankfully your dogs stayed with you.

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