
on 5/31/14 4:28 am



I'm one of those people who would rather drop a safe on my foot than taste a speck of whey protein.  Disgusting stuff.  GNC was having a sale and I tried their 'Lean Shake' banana flavor.  It's delicious!  Now I look forward to my protein intake during this liquid phase.  Thank God for some relief!

Mary Gee
on 5/31/14 6:06 am - AZ
VSG on 05/14/14

You're lucky you found something you like.  I tried my first "protein" shake yesterday for a change of pace (I've been living on chocolate Carnation Instant Breakfast for 2-1/2 weeks).  It was gross - super thick and sickly sweet.  I have some other samples, so I'll try them at 1/2 strength and see if that's any better.


 HW: 380 SW: 324 GW: 175  








on 6/1/14 3:16 am

Mary,  if you like bananas, try the Pure Protein Whey Isolate, one or two scoops, a half or whole large banana, 8oz. 1/2% milk and 4-5 ice cubes.  Put in a blender and you will have a great tasting shake!

  All posts that I make on this site, any forum, are a result in my having experience and caring for anyone having to go through life as an obese person. If you have medical issues, please see your doctor for medical advice.



on 5/31/14 12:42 pm
VSG on 12/31/13

The only protein drink I can tolerate is Syntrax Nectars Fuzzy Navel.  It tastes like peachy Tang, which is actually pretty good. It took me quite a while to land on the Syntrax Nectars. I tried many shakes, including Premier Proteins which lots of people swear by. I really loved GNCs Lean Protein Strawberry shakes prior to surgery but I can't bear it now. So I drink my Fuzzy Navels every day and so far I have not gotten tired of them.

HW: 229 ; SW: 208 (-21);  GW: 125

Wt. Loss:   M1: 189 -(19)  M2: 178 (-11)  M3: 172 (-5)  M4: 170 (-2)  M5: 166 (-4)






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