New Member Intro

(deactivated member)
on 5/30/14 12:00 pm

Hello everyone, just thought to take a moment to introduce myself. A Newbiew from North Carolina. Learning about weight loss surgery and looking forward to get more help by participating in the discussions and sharing knowledge.


on 5/31/14 12:45 am - CA
RNY on 01/16/14

Welcome to the group. There is lots of encouragement and knowledge to be found here.


on 5/31/14 1:47 am

Hi, I am also a newbie from NC. Went to a WLS at Duke last week. Will confirm benefits after June 1st. Have consult with PCP on Wednesday. Haven't spoken with surgeons yet.


on 5/31/14 6:45 am

Hello, and welcome!

A few suggestions: fill out your profile in as much detail as you're comfortable with sharing. The more you tell us about you, the better we can answer any questions you might have. Things that will help us are things like your age, your BMI, which form of WLS you're interested in, any health problems---because different forms of WLS are better suited for certain health problems---how long you've been obese, previous diet attempts, etc.

I also suggest you visit the various surgical forums. There are four major forms of WLS: LapBand, VSG/Sleeve, RNY/gastric bypass, and DS/duodenal switch. There are some big differences in how they work, what results they give, potential complications, post-op diets, and quality of life. You should also visit the Revision forum. This forum focuses on what to do when the surgery type you chose didn't give the results you wanted or needed.

Ask questions, but take all the answers with a grain of salt. (Even mine. *grin*) I recommend giving more weight to answers given by people who are at least three years post-op, simply because living with WLS is the best teacher.

(deactivated member)
on 6/1/14 9:40 pm

Many thanks everyone, sincerely appreciate all your replies and suggestions. Looking forward to participating int he discussions.

Have a great week everyone.

on 6/2/14 1:21 am

Welcome to the forum!! I am new here too and the information I have gotten here has been spot on and the support is amazing.  Best of luck on your journey!!

 ~Rock bottom has become a solid foundation on which I will rebuild my life~

Member Services
on 6/2/14 1:28 am - Irvine, CA
Congratulations on taking control of your life and your weight loss journey.   ​ We suggest you research all your options for WLS and OH is the right place for that.  Once you have reviewed your options surgery wise and decided on one then your next step is to find a surgeon.  We can help you with that.     ​​ Here are some links that will be helpful in your research. ​ ​If you have not done so, contact your insurance company and verify if they cover WLS and if so what procedures.​ edure-a-philosophy-obtained-in-20-years-of-bariatric-practic e-2/ edure-a-philosophy-obtained-in-20-years-of-bariatric-practic e-2/

(deactivated member)
on 6/2/14 2:09 am

Many thanks Member Services. I appreciate it.




(deactivated member)
on 7/18/16 3:53 pm

thank you everyone.

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