pre op nerves...

on 5/30/14 2:49 am - ft belvoir, VA

Hello Everyone, 

  My surgery is this coming Tuesday and for some reason it is just now sinking in what I am about to do! I was searching online for some stories of people that have had the sleeve. I came across a Youtube site from a girl that had lost 200+ lbs after surgery. She made a video talking about the negative ways that surgery changes your life. She mentioned that almost everyone will be depressed and have anxiety after their surgery and that it changes all of your relationships. I would love to hear all of the negatives about this procedure and how many people faced depression and anxiety as a result of it. I just want to be as prepared as possible for whatever could come. I am also starting to get excited! And lastly, the pre op diet...I have really really blown it the last couple of days. I do so well all day and then the evening hits and it's like I totally lose my mind and eat food that I shouldn't. Has anyone fallen off of the wagon pre op and did it affect your surgery? I am trying my very hardest to do what I am supposed to, old addictions die hard. 

Thank you all for listening and offering your wisdom and experience!


on 5/30/14 5:19 am

Im pre op also my surgery is Wed. Anyway I just wanted to say that for that one person with a negative video there are  20 positive videos! I think everyone goes through some kind of sadness at first but it is soon replaced with a lot more happiness! Good luck

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