
on 5/30/14 2:29 am

its been a month after my surgery and they told me I could start eating mozzarella 2% cheese or panela cheese, I don't know how often I can eat it but I love also able to eat mashed potatoe and that's another thing ive been eating almost everyday...will this affect my weightloss??? will I no longer lose weight because its still very fatening please help

on 5/30/14 5:13 am
RNY on 12/18/13

Just because you can now eat those things doesn't mean you can eat as much as you want, whenever you want. Are you weighing and measuring your food? Are you tracking what you're eating? I feel both of those things are very important to do in order to keep losing weight after surgery. You need to know how much you're taking in so that you can hit your program's protein goals, at the very least. Keeping track of what you will help you make better choices. What other choices could you make from your surgeon's eating plan for you that might be better (more protein, lower carbs) than mashed potatoes?

Surgery: RNY on 12/18/2013 with Jay M. Snow, MD            "Don't mistake my kindness for weakness." - Robert Herjavec, quoting Al Capone


on 5/30/14 6:31 am

Cheese---any cheese---is a good source of protein. Mashed potatoes are high in carbs. Eat cheese, forget potatoes.

on 5/31/14 3:14 pm - FL
RNY on 01/07/14

I also ate potatoes in those first weeks. I was eating canned chicken and mixing it with a tablespoon of mashed potato and beef broth made it more comforting while I was trying out other soft foods and otherwise living on shakes. I think I went the potato route because I was served that the second night in the hospital.

i was losing steadily and don't think that those few ounces I had over a month made much difference on my cumulative weight loss. Now, I'm almost five months out and haven't had any potato since that first month or so.

Even now, I have two string cheese every day and usually have other cheese here and there and am still losing consistently....83lbs since my surgery. 

Bottom line, if you are in the soft food stage and are getting in your protein, I don't see where it will be a problem as long it doesn't become a staple in your diet. 

Good luck.

RNY 1/7/2014 with Jeffery Lord, Pensacola, FL

on 6/1/14 8:20 am

Thank you all for your replies ...and your right I need to continue measuring my amounts ...its just that now I actually get very hungry and perhaps I'm not eating the way I'm supposed to. I haven't been drinking my protein shake as often as I shouldbut I have been eating a little bit of chicken here in there a little bit of fish but I get hungry and I like to go for the fast stuff such as the cheese or the mashed potatoes or the cottage cheese or the little slice of avocado but I am no longer taking down notes of what I meant taking

on 6/1/14 11:27 am

This is why I said to ditch the potatoes. The worst thing about carbs is that they make us crave MORE carbs. Chicken is good---any meat, really. Any cheeses, eggs, seafood. Pasta, potatoes, rice all lead to more hunger.

on 6/1/14 10:10 am - FL
RNY on 01/07/14

I really think you need to be logging what you eat. If I didn't, I'd have no idea of my intake. 

There are many free apps such as My Fitness Pal that will let you log food and it gives you protein,  arbs, calories and much more. In five months I haven't found anything that's not in their database so it's pretty easy. I particularly like the daily pie graph to see my protein vs carbs and fat.

Logging is another way to see if the cheese and potatoes are causing problems, calorie wise.

RNY 1/7/2014 with Jeffery Lord, Pensacola, FL

on 6/1/14 11:30 am

Will definitely download the app...thank you so much for yourhhelp! Do you guys get hungrier now? At first I didn't even want to eat anything at all and now I even wake up hungry lol

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