Inurance doesn't cover surgery, don't have the money to pay for it

Professor Sonja!!!!
on 5/29/14 1:31 pm - Miami, FL
RNY on 08/15/12

Actually people who pay more than 9.5% of their income for employee based coverage for "self" coverage only (ie not family coverage) are eligible to buy ACA insurance. ACA Link


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Brad Special

on 5/29/14 10:07 pm
VSG on 12/06/12

Well that would make sense since we only pay a little over 20 bucks each pay period for insurance.

on 5/29/14 3:33 pm, edited 5/29/14 3:36 pm
RNY on 02/24/14

The insurance I had with my employor did not cover the wieght loss surgury.  I contacted a local insurance agent let her know what I needed she provided me several options on a private/individual plans. My monthly premium went up $36.00 per month. I did not qualify for any subsidies.  I also had united health care with my employer. They would not add the coverage they felt it was to expensive.  The additional cost would have been $1.04 per employee.  

Look at your options and see what the requirements to quilify for WLS are.  You have options!  Good luck.  My individual plan went into effect on jan 1, 2014 and rny on February 24,2014. 

       RNY 2/24/14. HW 274ish. SW 259 GW 135


on 6/11/14 8:48 am

I have BCBS with my employer and they opted out on WLS.  I just want to understand your statement.  I can call BCBS or other insurance agent, explain what I need and they may be able to provide me with additional coverage.  I know this is at a additional cost, but it would be worth it.

Thanks for the advice!

on 5/28/14 6:25 am - Eugene, OR

While there are some great surgeons in Mexico, by the time to pay for the travel down and the stay while you heal enough to come home, you might as well have it done here.  Do you by any chance belong to a credit union?  I opened an account with out local one way back when I started working.  Got my car loans there, etc.  Because of my credit history with them, I now have what is called a signature loan or line of credit.  It's any un-secured loan I can use for whatever.  You might want to check out a credit union.  You may be able to refinance your car or work some kind of deal with them.  Worth a shot.  They may also have a program that will make you save for the surgery.  I know what you mean - I'm also horrible at saving money!  Best of luck to you.

Success supposes endeavor. - Jane Austen

on 5/28/14 6:31 am - Avondale, AZ

Linda thank you so much, I don't bank with a credit union but I think it's a good idea to look into openeing an account with one. Also I'm good at saving but seem to never have the money to do so :-(. I'm going to weigh all of my opitions. Thank you

Member Services
on 5/30/14 2:21 am, edited 5/30/14 2:22 am - Irvine, CA


The Weight Loss Surgery Foundation of America offers grants.  You can review the information on their site: nt/

Also, here are a few more companies that provide loans for WLS.  Please keep us posted on how you are doing.

on 5/28/14 7:29 am - Avondale, AZ

Thank you so much for this information I'll take some time and research it all.

on 5/28/14 9:07 am - Sunny Southern, CA

I'm sorry. It's awful when you have decided to make a healthy change and there are roadblocks.

A few thoughts... Have you asked your HR department if an additional rider to cover the surgery can be purchased? 

Is the exclusion (under no cir****tances or only "if deemed medically necessary") read your policy and look for loop holes like that. If there is a way to get it approved Walt Lindstrom will find it (worked with him on the Obesity Action Coalition board, awesome guy, post-WLSer too) he can tell you whether you have a chance fighting... tell him Michelle/Eggface sent you :)

I had some insurance issues too and went to Ensenada, Mexico for my surgery so I can relate. Going out of the country is not for everyone but it was the best gift I ever gave myself. I'd be happy to share my experience (or check out my blog for my story) there is also a Mexico Forum here on OH (click in Forums above) but like Linda mentioned... travel, staying down there around 10 days, and being far from surgeon is an added risk... worth it in my case but I know not for everyone.

Best of luck to you. Keep us up on your progress!


Weight Loss Surgery Friendly Recipes & Rambling

on 5/28/14 9:14 am - Avondale, AZ

Thank you so much Michelle, the only thing i know is that WLS is excluded from my plan and there is no rider that i can get. I have alreayd been denied although my dr wrote a letter that explained why it was medically nec. So at this time I've lost all hope :-(. thanks for all of your info. I'll have to look into it.

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