My surgery is less than 3 months away, new to this site....someone talk to me!

on 5/28/14 12:10 am
RNY on 08/25/14

Hi i am a 50 year old woman, who has been yo yo dieting my entire adult life, you name it, i have tried it. Weigh****chers,(multiple times) Jenny Craig (more than once) Nurtrisystem(more than once) Metobolic Weight loss, Adkins, Phentermine diet pills., became a gym rat.....let see ...what else...I have lost weight, looked great,felt great, then over time the weight came back on. So i am pretty sure i am going with the VSG (sleeve) My thoughts are going wild, so MANY questions....I am wondering if i can actually be successful getting down to my goal weight. I weigh 250lbs now, i can imagine it but 150lbs would be my MAGICAL goal  weight!!! I see all these before and afters pictures and i think WOW! will that be me? I understand this surgery is a TOOL, not a quick fix, the long term success is up to me, to work ou****ch my caloric intake, etc, but i question myself...If i havent been successful at any of my other weight loss attempts (diets) and making a full lifestyle change commitment, how do I REALLY KNOW that i will be successful after this life changing surgery? I am not scared of the surgery at all, my biggest fear is myself....



on 5/28/14 12:18 am - OH
VSG on 03/19/15

I feel the same way you do.  But I'm determined to make this work because I am tired of being overweight.  My problem has always been of not feeling full and I hope the surgery will help with that so I can lose the weight.

I keep asking myself if I can do this and I'm hoping not to scare myself out of it.

The tragedy in life doesn't lie in not reaching your goal. The tragedy lies in having no goal to reach.- Benjamin Mays

HW:450, Consult W:371, SW:353



on 5/28/14 12:40 pm
RNY on 08/25/14

when is your surgery? is it scheduled yet, best wishes to you on your WL journey! 

on 5/28/14 1:21 pm - OH
VSG on 03/19/15

I don't have a surgery date yet.  I have my first appointment with the surgeon on June 2nd.  Best wishes on your WL journey also.

The tragedy in life doesn't lie in not reaching your goal. The tragedy lies in having no goal to reach.- Benjamin Mays

HW:450, Consult W:371, SW:353



on 5/28/14 12:55 am
RNY on 05/07/13

Welcome to the site.  I loved the before and after pictures before the surgery.  They really seemed to calm my pre-op nerves and helped to reinforce my choice.  I don't look at them as much now.  Too busy living!  I was in Weigh****chers for 5 years before the surgery.  I learned a lot but for the most part it was a waste of money.  You will learn so much from this site.  There are a lot of resourses and a great search site for any questions. 









on 5/28/14 12:42 pm
RNY on 08/25/14

WOW, you only have 19 lbs to go! thats awesome, mind if i ask when your surgery was? I also love the before and after pics!thanks for your reply!

on 5/28/14 12:57 pm
RNY on 05/07/13

My surgery was 5/7/13 so it is over a year now.  It seems like it has been so slow at times but it adds up.  Patience!  I know that being a lightweight and being older (65) weight loss is slower though.  My surgeon says I am at his goal but I would like to see if I can get to my goal of being a "normal" BMI if I can. 

Good luck to you!









on 5/28/14 1:57 am
VSG on 04/24/14

Welcome and wishing you nothing but success with your decision. I was also a yoyo dieter although never with the success I truly wanted. I was banded in 2008 and again had a bit of success in the beginning but then nothing. I decided to revise to the sleeve last month (April) and so far am happy with my decision. I'm still trying to get used to the limited portions and the shock I'm in when I realize they actually fill me up. You are completely right when you say the surgery is a tool and it is up to us to make it successful. 


on 5/28/14 12:44 pm
RNY on 08/25/14

Thank you so much for your reply. Best of luck with your WL success! I cant wait for the surgery! 

on 5/28/14 12:52 pm
RNY on 08/25/14

Thank you for your reply! I wish you the best, I cannot wait until my surgery!
