Here's how to stop letting others rain on your health parade
“The people around you don't understand or don't support you. Here's how to stop letting others rain on your health parade:”
First of all, you have to realize that it's truly not them, it's you. When you have dinner at your mother-in-law's and you know she'll feel insulted if you don't eat the feed-a-family-of-four serving she just put in front of you, do you eat it? When your kids roll their eyes and complain (incessantly) every time you say you're trying a new healthy recipe, do you cave and make chicken nuggets and macaroni and cheese? When your husband wants a plate of nachos or some pizza rolls, does he expect you to share when he's made too many? People around us may seem to be deliberately trying to sabotage us, and maybe to some extent they are. They may like things the way they are. You can't change them, you can only change you. Instead of letting your mother-in-law dish up the food, you may want to take on the duty. If your kids are just not giving in to new menu choices, make a deal with them. Make certain nights of the week their night. They may get hot dogs, but insist that they always have a piece of fruit or some veggies on the side. Plus, they need to agree to try your new dishes at least a couple times a week. If your husband's snacks are hard for you to resist, make yourself something healthier, or head out the door for a walk when he wants a treat. While you're waiting for the people around you to get on board with healthier eating, you'll need to work around them. It may seem a bit like a workout on its own, but it's well worth the effort.
I could not agree anymore to what you just said. It's just me in my house so I can pretty much make whatever I want. I do set with my mom on my off days from work and they are pretty supportive of new recipes to a degree. My family is behind me 100% about WLS and trying to become a better me health wise. My thing is coming from my friends, they make comments about well if you would just step away from the table," or " if you did less eating and more exercising you could lose weight." I DON"T EAT THAT MUCH is what I want to scream at them and I'm usually in the gym 4-5 times a week and nothing. I have struggled with my weight since I was a teen and has just gotten worse over the years. I am so depressed that all I want to do is sleep and not move. Im sure a lot of it is because I'm over weight, I cant do the things I once could do. Just walking makes me out of breath and I hate that. I get so tired when I go to the gym I usually leave early but I do try to stay at least an hour even if it is in the pool. No one really understands how happy I was when WLS became a NEED rather than a WANT. I have talked about it before in the past and I did try to loose weight on my own but I would always gain it back. I'm ready for a new me! New beginnings and not letting anyone rain on my parade. It is me not them getting the surgery if that is something they would not do then fine but leave me alone about how bad it is. :)