Bias Among Us (Part 1) - Success?
I have posted a NUMBER of times about how the excessive focus on "the numbers" here bothers me. It is understandable that people are finally losing weight, and are losing huge amounts of it, are focused on the numbers going down. That is an integral part of the journey. For some people, though, the numbers alone become the measure of success not only for themselves but for others as well. Some people believe that a person who isn't a certain size or BMI isn't "as successful" as someone else who IS a certain number. Not the vast majority of people, of course, but some.
i find it extremely arrogant, hurtful, and judgmental for ANYONE to view someone who loses over 100 pounds (or 200... or 300...), and maintains the bulk of the weight loss, as "not as successful" as themselves! Yet the attitude is there. I define success far more in terms of maintaining the weight loss than in losing it, and far more in terms of improved health than in number of pounds lost.
14 years out; 190 pounds lost, 165 pound loss maintained
You don't drown by falling in the water. You drown by staying there.