Here's how not to jump off that bridge too
“You want to eat better and exercise regularly, but everyone around you seems to have a different agenda. Here's how not to jump off that bridge too.”
Remember what your mother said when your friends wanted to so something foolish? "If they all wanted to jump off a bridge would you do that too?" It's all too easy to follow the crowd, even to our peril. And, studies have shown that if you have people around you who don't smoke, eat better, make good financial decisions, are happy - those traits tend to rub off on you. Unfortunately, the reverse is true too. If you're around people behaving in negative ways, the likelihood that you too will emulate those behaviors goes up. So, what are we to do, short of finding all new friends and shunning our relatives? First of all, try to find at least one ally. If you can find someone who wants to achieve the same results, that will make it much easier on both of you. Second, act as if you are already a positive, accomplished person. If you want to eat right, then do it and don't think this is just a temporary gig. This will send a message to those around you that you mean business, and your confidence and motivation may actually impact them in a positive way
Excellent message. I needed this. It's really hard sometimes to be the only one in the crowd worried about weight and having to eat certain things. Helps to know there are others out there with the same struggles. :-)

KittyKarin :-) Starting weight: 362 / Surgery weight: 353 / Current weight: 190 (03/27/2017)
on 10/28/13 9:32 am - Canada
Thank you for your post. With my surgery coming up I'm thinking a lot about the future. I'm worried about the people that are barely supportive now taking it even less serious when I get to a healthy weight. It has happened to me before. If you don't look fat people treat you like you are 'normal' and no matter how thin I have been I have always had a fat brain lol. Even when I'm eating well I'm still an over eater. I need to learn not to let people convince me its now okay to eat what you want.
Hi Paula, I have tried to send you a private message but my profile page will only let me put in the topic line. When I move my curser to the body of the letter there is no font..very strange. So I am going to send you a private message with my email address as the main topic !