on 9/11/13 2:05 am - Monrovia, CA

Today I start week five, back on track.

I am down 15lbs, and yes Feeling GREAT.

I still don’t know why I let myself get out of control, and put on 25lbs.

I never feel hungry when I drink my Protein, and take my Vitamins,


So for week 5 I am going to do the same as week 4,

2 protein drinks a day, 1 small meal at dinner, and a snack of Greek yogurt.


I feel keeping my food the same is the best Tool for me to stay in Control.


I will have a hard weekend, I am going out of town with a friend who is not very active,

I am flying on Friday to Portland, and then we are driving back on Sunday.

My goal on Saturday is to get up in the morning and do a 5mile run/ walk

And the same on Sunday before we start the 14hour drive home.


I will take my Protein with me,  when eating out stay as true to my plan as I can.

This is our way of Life, and I must stay to it.


Thanks for being there for me.

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on 9/11/13 3:30 am - Irvine, CA

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on 9/11/13 9:51 am - Canada



Do you have only a protein shake for breakfast and lunch?



on 9/11/13 10:13 am - Monrovia, CA

YES, as of now I am doing

breakfast, about  320 cal

1 protein, with 1 cub unsweetened almond milk, and 1 cup frozen barriers,

decaff coffee, with nonfat milk, 


same as breakfast, about 320 cal

around 330pm I have a Greek yogurt, 130 cal

dinner,  about 250 cal

steam veggie, of some kind, (cauliflower, or spinach or, butternut squash

with tofu, or egg,

and then if I want something while watching TV,  a Greek yogurt or sugar free Jell-O  100

total of  1100 cal or less a day


on 9/11/13 11:20 am - Canada

Thanks Jaymec for all the information!

on 9/11/13 4:15 pm
Keep up the good work!