on 9/9/13 3:30 am - Monrovia, CA

The Weekend, of week for back on track,

The weekend is a time that gets hard for me,  I do work out on the weekend, but I still want to stay on the low side of cal.

this weekend, my son and I went out for a 10mile bike ride.  I love going out with him, he is 24, and we have such a great time

I then went out to a bar-b-que, and did great, I planed my day for the bar-b-que. They also made it easy, I don't eat meat, so I had a nice Salad, and decaf coffee, (no cake or other junk).

Sunday, my running club and I went out for a 9mile mt. run/hick, lots of fun.  Then in the even, my daughters wanted to go out for Mexican, I AFTER FOUR WEEKS OF DOING GREAT, LET MYSELF HAVE A BAD DAY.  I did notice however that my stomach is back to its small size. So I was bad, but better then 4 weeks ago.

Today is back on track, 2 Protein drinks with a small dinner meal, and 1 Greek Yogurt for a snack

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