Please be kind

Cicerogirl, The PhD

on 7/13/13 12:24 pm - OH

Damn, they didn't put your response back in.  I know they probably CAN'T, but I was hoping, LOL


14 years out; 190 pounds lost, 165 pound loss maintained

You don't drown by falling in the water. You drown by staying there.

Citizen Kim
on 7/13/13 12:38 pm - Castle Rock, CO

Proud Feminist, Atheist, LGBT friend, and Democratic Socialist

(deactivated member)
on 7/24/13 4:27 pm - CA
RNY on 03/22/12

God, you're a *****

Citizen Kim
on 7/25/13 6:24 am - Castle Rock, CO

Awwwww!   Thanks ...   I really appreciate that, coming from you!

Proud Feminist, Atheist, LGBT friend, and Democratic Socialist

(deactivated member)
on 7/25/13 8:54 am - CA
RNY on 03/22/12

I should have explained myself before,...I'm NOT saying being a ***** is an altogether bad thing. It can serve you well. Kim, let's face it and admit it, you really are a ***** BUT, BUT,...that is not necessarily a negative thing as long as you use that innate talent wisely. Really mean what I said here. I think women have a right, a reason, and can draw much needed strength in being a ***** because of what this male dominated society puts women through. You are ahead of the game in that you embrace your inner *****iness, so many women are afraid of it. Just direct it and use it to your full advantage., don't squander such confidence on catty b.s.

Citizen Kim
on 7/25/13 9:42 am, edited 7/25/13 9:43 am - Castle Rock, CO

I absolutely embrace my inner (and outer) *****  even my ****ness (for those who've been around for a few years) - but I honestly don't see myself as mean ...  I never call names or get personal (which I see a lot on here) and I don't delete my posts to make myself look better - if I **** up in a post, I'll apologise rather than delete it. - gotta stand by what you say!   

What I don't do, however, is suffer fools gladly - those who **** and whine about every little thing and then get all butt hurt when they get called out on it!    To me, this is not a girl thing - I'd have no problem calling out similar posts by a male (which I have often done - which is probably why they don't stick around LOL) - it's a perpetual moaner thing.  Hang on the RNY board for a week and you'll pick out those that post a daily littany of how hard this is - when what it REALLY is, is that they are totally unprepared for what they've allowed someone to do to their digestive tract!!!   And no!  You absolutely should NOT be eating pizza at 3 weeks - WTF?

 There is a ton of support on OH, but that support absolutely should NOT be newbies patting each other's hands when they are ******g up - sometimes you need to be told that what you are doing is destructive and I do think that's what started this particular newbie vs vet ****storm - I didn't even comment on the original pizza post !    

What really chaps my butt, and when I usually get involved is when people come on here for a couple of weeks, and then start telling us all how we should post and behave.     Any idea what percentage of those people actually hang around on here for years, getting to know people, giving GOOD advice, reading about protein shakes and poop every day?   A tiny percentage!  and NOT because they've got run off - because they don;t usually give a **** about anyone other than themselves - it's why their posts are all about me, me, me!

Now not all vets are altruistic ...  There are some that do it because it makes them feel good (and I'm sure you can tell who they are) but some really do do it because they want to help!   I can tell you that I am blocked by one of the most popular vets on the RNY and Main boards because I called her out on her passive aggressive crap to people, particularly newbies and yet, she continues to get praise and quite the following - I don't get why these people don't see it!!!!    She does have good information, but I DO believe it is all about her and her "status"

Now, you won't see me with a "Friends of OH" seal at the bottom of my profile (despite several e-mails from OH asking me to partake) or posting pictures of how hot I am etc ...  Because while I am very much on here to get support as much as give it, I don't think my time here IS all about me ...    I genuinely do want people to do well with their surgery and enjoy life as I do - in the long term!    

I know I'm not everyone's cup of tea and I am absolutely ok with that, but the people who get to know me, usually appreciate my candour and advice in the end LOL!.

And I expect you to call me out if you see me giving any catty bull ****!!!!


ETA:   Wow!  This post is ALL ABOUT ME LOLOLOLOL!!!

Proud Feminist, Atheist, LGBT friend, and Democratic Socialist

(deactivated member)
on 7/25/13 5:30 pm - CA
RNY on 03/22/12

Hmmm, hmmm, Kim, you've really made me think here. I read your reply earlier this afternoon and actually had to give it some thought before responding.

referencing your second paragraph, "hang on the RNY board for a week and you'll pick out those that post a daily litany of how hard this is, when in reality is how totally unprepared they were to allow someone to completely change their digestive tract".

Sweetie, don't you see?,,,you just said it yourself,..these "fools, that are ******g and whining" are NOT PREPARED or ENLIGHTENED for that which they allowed someone to completely change their digestive tract" is that THEIR BAD OR THEIR SURGEONS AND THAT DOCTORS TEAM? Don't we even more owe them our support, our wisdom, our experience? Isn't that why they come here? As tiresome as it may be for the "vets",...-a new crop of uninformed, uneducated, newbies arrive every five minutes. Dumped into the laps of everyday folks without the benefit of a surgical degree to once again, and again, and yet again,...explain to them, reassure them, provide comfort, that once the surgeons bill was paid and they were out the door,...that yes, poop, vitamins, food tolerances should be expected at this stage not at that stage, other words, each newbie comes with the same questions, worries, concerns,....and as tiring as it may be we need to treat each one as if they were the first one to ask the question. Anyway, Kim, I embrace your *****iness, I admire it in a sense.




Citizen Kim
on 7/26/13 12:52 am - Castle Rock, CO

"Sweetie" ???????      (I'm way too old to be ANYONE's sweetie!)  and I'm actually shocked that you used such a sexist epithet,  hmmmm ...  what happened to your feminist sensibilities?

All your very valid suggestions about information and comfort are EXACTLY what is given on OH day after day after day!  You think every new 3 week stall question?, every what protein shake is the best?, every what do I do to poop? question gets met by mean replies???   You think there is not a ton of support and information dished out every day among much hand holding and attagirl/attaboy  replies?  Come on ...   Look at the posting history of the people on these threads on their surgery boards - you'll get a much better idea of what goes on,  than what has gone down on here!

The only time it gets down and dirty is when someone gets their  knickers in a twist, because good truthful advice - given with every intention of helping that person through the journey -  was not be what that person wants to hear, read the reply to the pizza lady that she blew up about - there was nothing wrong with it at all, but she proceeded to call the vet a "jerk" and wrote a really nasty reply - it was a true WTF moment!!!    After this all blew up,  the OP deleted her reply so she could embrace her victimhood - and then along came the pile-on ...  It happens!

Occasionally (every two months or so) the newest group of post ops take offense at someone saying that they need to change their lifestyle (WLS 101) and then it's on ...    It's no big deal and after a day or so of drama it's over and everyone has either blocked or they're all pals again - it's no biggie!    Then there are the rare beings who carry on about it for weeks after it happened kiss       (That would be you and me LOL!)

Anyway I think I'm done, cos I'm boring me now (having seen everyone else off  a week ago LOL , and maybe you are too - nice chatting - maybe see you around sometime?


Proud Feminist, Atheist, LGBT friend, and Democratic Socialist

on 7/20/13 12:53 pm - Katy, TX
Keep in mind that the way people respond to you is more about them and who they are as a person and nothing to do with what you posted. They are here for the same reason, they had/have a weight problem and needed/need help. So to me, no one is better than anyone else. Pay no attention to the negativity. They're most likely struggling in their own way. If they were emotional eaters before, they now have to learn a new way of managing their emotions, unfortunately they did it via keyboard. Keep your head up. You're just at the beginning of a very exciting journey...and there's nothing negative about that...mistakes and all!
Katie B.
on 7/20/13 12:56 pm

Thanks TabbyFree!

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