So mad I could chew nails.

on 7/9/13 7:59 pm - Jamison, PA

As an RN (as I am too), you know BP issues can be either primary or secondary.  Secondary would be as a result of obesity, while primary (or Essential) HTN is genetic and not weight related at all.  I am 4 years post revision (RNY to DS) and have a BMI of 22 currently, however, my BP issues seem to be essential/primary at this point.  I range from hypotensive (80/46) to hypertensive (150/110) and there doesn't seem to be a rhyme or reason to the variation.

I have had to realize that monitoring my BP is something I will probably have to continue to do, and take meds to control the HTN as needed.  My cardiologist is as baffled as I am and his only advice was when my diastolic pressure was in the 100 range to take meds.

As a previous poster already stated, the reason for bariatric surgery should be overall health -- not to rid yourself (in this case) of HTN since there is no way to know if it is Essential or Secondary until after you lose a substantial amount of weight and have maintained for a period of time.

Best of luck!

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