What size is 75cc??
Thank you Kim. The surgeon is going to re measure my stomach again within the next week or so, to see if I can get a revision. That was the size of my stomach 2 yrs ago. I'm 8 yrs post out next month and I gained over 50 ibs since I had my son 4 yrs ago. It's been yo yo affect with the weight. I'm down 30 pounds one day and back up 35. This is frustrating!
Odds are good that the trouble isn't the size of your pouch, but the size of your stoma. If the stoma's enlarged---far more common than an enlarged pouch---food has no reason to STAY in your pouch. Unfortunately, none of the methods of tightening the stoma seem to work all that well. Have you considered revising to a Sleeve or a DS?