Thoughts and Feedback?

on 4/16/13 2:47 pm

Hi everyone!

I'm so glad I found this board! I am meeting with a surgeon tomorrow about all of my options. I have a couple of friends who had the sleeve and loved it. I keep reading about all of it, and of course...reading the side effects and all the changes are a bit nerve-wracking LOL I was wondering if any of you can tell me how it was for you? Are you happy you did it? Do you find the diet change after to be difficult? Oh...and can you really not drink while you're eating a meal (how do you wa**** down? lol)

Thank you in advance!! :)


Dx E
on 4/17/13 1:32 am, edited 4/17/13 1:35 am - Northern, MS

Hi Laura,

Welcome to the site.  There are several others as well - Great folks at all of them. 

Thinner Times -

Living After WLS -

Renewed Reflections -

I had RNY in 2003, lost from 400-ish down to 195 to 197 (depending on day of week :) )
6'1" - Still at my target goal of 197lbs.  Great Health now, and live and eat quite normally.
No one watching me eat would know that I have an RNY, except- I rarely if ever eat anything with much sugar, and I get full on reasonable sized portions, and am too full for "seconds" or desert."
I do drink sometimes with meals but only if what I am eating is too dry.  I typically don't drink, other than a few sips with meals.(first 3 years of post-op I NEVER Drank with meals.)
Read all you can about Bariatric Surgery as an option.  Each procedure has different Pros and Cons.
Best Wishes- Dx


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