I'm trying to win David Spade tix at my local Improv this Friday... I'm 22 behind on winning the tickets and this morning is my last chance for likes on the comment.. Thanks to all that already have, and if you haven't already, please click the photo of David Spade and find my comment on the photo (Life's a garden, dig it) and like it. I'm trying to win free tickets to see David Spade this weekend. Thanks again!! I'm 2nd place now, 15 likes behind. SO if you have FB please click this link and like my comment under Christine Grilli, it says "Life's a garden, dig it"
https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=494652040589662&set= a.176099389111597.57687.147837938604409&type=1&theater¬if _t=like
Thanks in advance!