Employer Healthcare Plans - Discrimination Against the Obese or "Reward for...
Please weigh in on this one ..
Frank talk about the DS / "All I ever wanted to be was thin, like that Rolling Stones dude ... "
HW/461 LW/251 GW/189 CW/274 (yep, a DS semi-failure - it happens :-( )
I am currently a victim of this discrimination right now. I had bypass surgery, lost 150 lbs and guess what? My BMI is 37. Am I supposed to cut off limbs now to meet their weight restrictions?
Ones weight is 'not always due to eating behaviors, that can be genetic and totally not the fault of the person.'
Just saying.
Why should we all use the same calculator to determine our worth of being insured? Seriously, Kristen Stewart and Shaquille O'Neal are supposed to use the same BMI calculator? No human is mass produced.
If one has pre-existing conditions, then I understand a company's desire not to want to insure them. That my include things like high blood pressure or sleep apnea. But according to my labs, I am the picture of perfect health in every area....except weight. Sorry, I can't ask my bones and muscles and skin to weigh less than they do.
My last thought on the subject is my anger that under Obamacare, if I opt NOT to have coverage due to the high costs, I will be forced to pay a penalty feel.
Those are my thoughts and not those of anyone else.
I wasn't able to access your link, but my company does have a wellness program, and I applaud their efforts to have healthy employees. Healthy employees cost less in insurance risk, take less time off and are generally (but not always!) more productive. Being as it may...I do work in healthcare, and is a complete fit for our company"s mission. I suppose many people could feel like the boom is aimed at them, feel singled out, and truly have cases of discrimination as a result. I would prefer to believe the'yd want to pay less for insurance for their employees because they are working at getting folks healthy out of altruition, rather than taking a hardass approach and strong arming their employees through guilt, or any other means to get them to toe the line to reduce costs.