Almost 4 years Post-Op

on 3/12/13 11:49 am - Rome, GA

My 4 year post-op RNY surgery anniversary is creeping up on me.  I was thinking it had been 5, but when I sat down and figured it up ..... it's 4 .... HOW TIME FLIES WHEN YOU'RE HAVING FUN!


I can remember back right after my surgery.  There was always a war going on about RNY vs. Duodonel Switch.  I remember some of the DSer's telling me ....... come back when your out a few years and see how happy you are with your RNY,  Scared me to death ..... I heard so many terrible things about regain, and problems with the RNY.  Not sure what the new "wars" are about thesse days because I haven't been on in quite a while .... heck there might even be a new surgery out that I don't even know about.  All I can report on is my experiences as an RNY patient.


I'm back ............ 4 years later .............. AND COULDN'T BE MORE PLEASED with my journey!! I lost 172 lbs four years ago, and still holding my 172 lb. loss.  I have fluctuated maybe 5 lbs throughout this journey, but I just go back to basics when I see a few creep back on me, and cut out sugars and carbs and push the proteins.  MY LIFE SAVER .... has been keeping myself accountable with twice a month weigh-ins at my surgeons office.  I don't let it get out of control ..... I can't let it get out of control, and I WON'T let it get out of control.  For you see ... I NOW am in control of this situation.  Life is too good to go back ....!  I continue to pray for motivaton and desire to continue this successful journey!  God is good ..... and he has blessed me in so many ways. 


If you are considering weight loss surgery, do your homework.  RNY was for me because I needed not only restriction but also the malabsorption of calories, along with the sweet/carb deterrent.  Works for me ,,. .might not work for you .... just do your honmework.  FOLLOW THE RULES ...... be accountable and weigh in bi-weekly or at least monthly....... and BE FAITHFUL with your vitamins.  I have had perfect blood work since my surgery.  I get two shots a month of B-12, take two multi-vits daily, and use the Bariatric Advantage Chewable Calcium Lozenges. 

Good luck and enjoy your journey to a NEW LIFE!!! 




Starting:  370, Current: 198.5, Goal: 190


on 3/12/13 12:14 pm
RNY on 06/14/12

Please repost this on the rny board! I think it would be a great help:)!


on 3/13/13 12:30 am - Rome, GA

I will do!!!!! Thanks :) .... share your story with me!


Starting:  370, Current: 198.5, Goal: 190


on 3/12/13 12:16 pm - St Albert, Canada

Thank you for your story and congratulations! Job well done!  I love my RNY, I have struggled but wouldn't change, you are so right about accountability.angry

HW: 360 lbs; 1st Clinic Weighin: 343.7 lbs; SW: 318 lbs; LW 221lbs; Regain 256lbs  

on 3/13/13 12:31 am - Rome, GA

Congratulations!  Keep up the good work! :)


Starting:  370, Current: 198.5, Goal: 190



on 3/12/13 9:05 pm

CONGRATS! I am happy for you! Your outlook is commended.  

    I love my new life!


on 3/13/13 12:32 am - Rome, GA

Thank you so much!  The "mind" is where this all starts .... and you must keep it there!!!!! :)


Starting:  370, Current: 198.5, Goal: 190


on 3/12/13 11:20 pm - Brighton, IL

Thanks for sharing your story with us. I'm a little over 6 months out and down 104 pounds and so happy with my surgery. Glad to hear that you are still happy over 4 years out. Congrats!



on 3/13/13 12:34 am - Rome, GA

Congrats!  Looks like you have done a phenomenal job thus far!  Keep on keeping on .... !  Your success is in "your" hands ,,,.. !


Starting:  370, Current: 198.5, Goal: 190


on 3/13/13 12:31 am
VSG on 05/28/13

Thank you for this post.  I just signed in/posted for the first time on this site today.  My struggle is to choose between the sleeve or bypass for my upcoming WLS.  You information is so helpful; I appreciate it.


