Would you recommend WLS to someone?
Too many complaints about the band including: didn't lose much weight (only 25 lbs in a year), can't eat anything without vomiting, band slipped, band eroded, band ruined my esophagus, can't get the fill right, feel hungry constantly, had to revise to another surgery, it's a crap band and not a lap band, wish I had never done this to myself.....etc., etc., etc.
Don't get me wrong. Some people get a band and do well with it but for the vast majority, it's a no-go. My surgeon is removing more of them now than he is putting in. After my surgery I told him I was happy that I went with the bypass versus the band. He told me that it was without a doubt the better of the two surgeries.
I would highly recommend weight loss surgery to someone who is obese, has medical issues as a result, and has tried everything they can to lose weight.
My experience has been one of pure joy for the most part. Pro's are too may to list. Cons are that I have to be more watchful of becoming constipated and remember to take my vitamins.
It's really a pretty simple lifestyle for me.
I would NOT recommend the lap band under any cir****tances. It's damaging and it guarantees further surgery or surgeries down the road. It's not a good device, no matter what the advertising tries to make people believe. They've admitted finally that it's not meant to be a "lifetime device." Most lap bands won't make it past 10 years. And it causes adhesions, which make it difficult to revise to another surgery in a lot of instances. The failure rate is ridiculous.
My experience was with the band and it nearly killed me. I'd recommend looking into the VSG or DS surgeries first and foremost.
Good luck to you, Jessica. I hope you research fully and choose the WLS that works best for you. In your research, please read the Revisions forum, too. You'll see which issues accompany each surgery.
Avoid kemmerling, Green Bay, WI
You're smart! Research until you feel like you're gonna puke. (Fun! Ha!)
I had my band surgery in 2003 and there was virtually no information. I wish I had known just how awful it truly was. I still have health problems from it and I had it removed in 2005.
GOOD LUCK to you. I know it's daunting, but you're doing the right thing in researching the heck out of all options.
Avoid kemmerling, Green Bay, WI
Just to add to what everyone else has said, I am 100% happy with my decision but it's a totally personal experience. You have to be honest with yourself and look at where you are. I was at 362 pounds and had gained about 50 of those pounds in one year!! I was so far down the rabbit hole, that this was my only option. I went from having no health problems to having high blood pressure, joint and back pain and sleep apnea in record time. For me, I knew that this was my last resort. I had tried in the past years to make the changes on my own but I wasn't able. If I hadn't done this surgery this year, I am fully convinced that I would be over 400 pounds by the end of the year and probably unable to even fit in my car or walk up the stairs to my house. Would I recommend the surgery to others? Maybe but only if they really feel like they have done everything they can and there is no other way to get and stay healthy.
KittyKarin :-) Starting weight: 362 / Surgery weight: 353 / Current weight: 190 (03/27/2017)