Staying Motivated
“You try to stay motivated, but real life seems to drag you down. Here’s how to fly above its reach.”
To stay positive and on track, you need to appreciate your achievements and refresh your perspective regularly. At the end of the day, write down all the positives of your day. Even if you’d deem it a -bad day- overall, don’t allow yourself to go there. Find the bright spot even if it’s something seemingly small. Focus only on the positives and write them down. You’re likely to find more than you imagined. As time goes on, you’ll start to make mental notes through the course of the day when something positive happens (so you can write it down later), which further boosts your positive outlook. Engaging in positive thoughts will improve your mental well-being, energize your soul, build your confidence, and increase your happiness factor.
Thank you so much for posting this. I am a year out and am still sticking to the program but am struggling to see the real way I look. Everyone tells me I'm too skinny or that I look older and that is very difficult to accept. Mentally I am feeling a little depressed and worn out. I really just needed a boost! Thanks, again!
Hang in there - I went through that too. After I reached my lowest weight and started gaining a few, everyone told me how much better and healthier I looked! Even my PCP told me I looked better with a little weight back on - go figure huh! And ya know what, when I look at pictures, I kind of have to agree with them.
And yeah, those hormonal changes are still happening to you. And it's winter. So, maybe take a look at what you are doing with your free time. Going out with friends? Going out socially? Going to the gym? Buy some new make up. Put some mascara on for no reason at all.
Keep up the good work,