Ways To Age Gracefully and Some Foods Help
Today, 60,000 baby boomers turn 60 every day. Wow! We are the largest percentage of the population and continue to live longer. I just want us to continue to live stronger as well. With that in mind, here are my top 10 ways to age gracefully (from the inside out):
- Move: Nothing new about exercising to maintain a healthy weight, elevate mood, and improve your overall well-being and energy. I used to work out to fit into my skinny jeans. Now I know exercise helps me maintain my bone density, muscular strength and endurance, and still helps me fit in my jeans! You don’t have to go to the gym to move. You can walk, take dancing lessons or ride your bike.
- Practice Yoga: Of course you already know yoga has absolutely been life-changing for me. Not only have I gained a half-inch in height and increased my lean muscle mass and flexibility, but I have also adopted the yoga lifestyle that has changed my approach to life. With the daily meditation, deep breathing, and yoga poses in my 30 Days to Grace practice, I am more grounded, focused and centered, ready to move through my days with more intention.
- Eat Anti-inflammatory: Countless studies show that chronic illnesses, especially auto-immune ones such as fibromyalgia, arthritis, and even depression, can be directly related to our diets. An anti-inflammatory diet is rich in fresh fruits and vegetables and low in sugar and processed foods. You can supplement what you can’t get enough of in your everyday diet.
- Sleep: We are a chronically under-rested culture! So many of my clients say they can “get by” on 5 or 6 hours of sleep. To thrive from the inside out, studies indicate most of us need closer to 8 or 9. Nothing makes me feel (and look) more graceful than a good night’s sleep.
- Connect: As we age, connection is more important than ever. Relationships with our kids, grandkids, friends, neighbors and community are critical to nurture and maintain. It gets us out of ourselves, helps us remember what is most important, and keeps us stimulated and involved.
- Meaningful Activity: Taking a course to learn something new, volunteering at a food bank, working on your family tree or providing a service to someone else all qualify as meaningful activity. As we age, we need a reason to get up in the morning – a good reason we can get excited and energized about.
- Hydrate: Such a simple thing, but why is it so hard for some of us? Your body cannot always determine whether you are thirsty or hungry, so we often overeat when we really need more water. Everything also “moves” better when you drink at least half your weight in ounces of water a day.
- Embrace Your Grace: I love the Dove commercials that show real, middle-aged, authentic women, without perfect airbrushed bodies and skin. Their beauty and grace illuminates from the inside out. Nothing is graceful about trying too hard to look young or hip.
- Wear Sunscreen: And do all the other preventative measures like getting your blood work, colonoscopy and teeth checked out. Taking proactive measures to take care of ourselves has become so much easier with all the technology out there. And many healthcare providers are starting to support prevention with low co-pays or even for free.
- Plan: In our 20s 30s, and 40s we had so much time to “get to it,” didn’t we? We could wait to settle down, plan for the future, etc. NOW is the time to plan for your future. It’s not too late, whether we’re talking about creating financial freedom or downsizing your home. Creating a plan can offer a sense of calm and intention for moving forward.
on 1/9/13 10:39 pm
I get so tired of hearing that people feel they have no income to buy vegetables and fruits and if they do buy them they go bad in the refrigerator . The fact is you have to want to EAT them lol ... and that means EATING them without craving them first so you give your body a chance to develop a taste for them. its a fact that our tastebuds FORGET to crave any food we haven' t eaten in six weeks .
There are certain foods that you can literally SEE smoothing your skin , minimizing your pores and filling in wrinkles if you have any .. the day after you eat them. The best one is yogurt containing active cultures ... but blueberries and papaya are also used in other cultures for their skin smoothing wrinkle and sunspot reducing qualities .
I always think that what theyre doing to my OUTSIDE skin.. theyre also probably doingto my INSIDES ... reducing the possibility of colon cancer , trapped rotting foods etc...
Great post!
One tip I like to share is natural beauty remedies or treatments. I slather olive oil all over my face and wake up with such soft skin! My nana did this to all of us after our first bath at the hospital and we used to make fun of her but it really works.
To get rid of dark circles under the eyes, shred a raw potato and wrap it up in some cheesecloth. Hold it under your eyes for 30 minutes. You can also steep 2 tea bags, cool them off and do the same for 30 mins.
To exfoliate & moisturize, slather honey on your face and let stay on for 30 mins. Wash off and moisturize.
There's tons more things you can do with herbs and soaks to make you feel good just google natural beauty remedies online.