It even hurts to the touch. Just below my sternum. Like someone punched me in the gut. Hurts to walk around, hurts when I move or twist. I have been in bed literally 3 days now & haven't hardly ate or drank anything
I'm supposed to go on a cruise to Cozumel on the 29th & I hope #1 I can go #2 that I don't get sick in Mexico!!
Thanks for any help or insight anyone can give me.
Doc didn't see anything on X-ray so he is basically treating me for an ulcer & if it isn't better in two weeks, I will have a scope to see what's going on.
I went to two stores looking for the Maalox or Mylanta and found none!! After that, I was in so much pain, I just had to go home. So, Hubs is going to try to find some fore me before he comes home from work. I think it's odd that neither of the two stores had any!! I need relief NOW!!
Ulcer pains constantly. Ulcer is a discontinuity in body muscles (membrane), which unable the organs proper functioning. Ulcer is of many type as like mouth ulcer, peptic ulcer, venous ulcer,etc. You must specify what type of ulcer you have, so that Doctor will suggest you specific solutions and precautions.
Actually, ulcer pain is NOT constant! Mine would get better after eating, and was an intermittent pain in the butt from late August til right after Thanksgiving. That's when they told me I had a huge ulcer and I went on meds for it. The gastroenterologist could hardly believe that I'd had such pain for so long, but, because it would come and go, I thought I had some lingering bug.
So...the only way to tell for sure is with the scope!