Dr. Oz Show

on 11/16/12 4:25 pm

I watch him regularly..I have a medical issue i need to get information about.. One day he was talking about people that were urinating more than they were drinking liquids, said it was from a bad ???????I forget what he said would be the problem, bad thyroid? bad kidney's? I don't remember that part.... it's the same problem i am having right now. I am urinating more than i drink. thought it may be diabetes related, but that's if you drink alot and urinate alot both issies.., I am not drinking enough but i am urinating more than 12 times a day..I remember Dr. Oz saying normal amount of times urinating in a 24 hr time is 8. I just don't remember what the diagnose he gave for my symptoms.


Did anyone happen to see that episode? Remembering what the problem was for these same symptoms..It was about 1 month ago..let me know please.. thanks, Peace\/ Wendy

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on 11/16/12 8:51 pm - MO

I don'****ch the show, but I would seek attention from my pcp. It could be something serious...

MyLady Heidi
on 11/16/12 9:27 pm

kidney infection

google it and you will find the episode

on 11/17/12 2:25 am

The one I'm thinking of was related to not fully emptying the bladder when you urinate so you end up going more often. I didn't see the whole episode though.

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on 11/17/12 7:13 am

Yes that's the one Bralen..I just came home from the urgent care clinic did some tests , nothing indicated a kidney infection, i don't have pain around my kidney area I have pain in my lower abdomen.on a scale 1-10 pain is about 6 or 7 . .. no UTI, that test came back ok..

7stents (2003)...Heart Attack(2004)...Open Heart (2004)....Wls (2007)...Heart attack 2012...1 stent (2012)...Heart Attack (2013)...Heart Attack (2013)...1 stent(2013)
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on 11/17/12 11:04 am - Bossier City, LA

I had very similar symptoms..tested negitive for a UTI but what I had was KIDNEY STONES! My Dr. at the time never even thought to check for that. I was in a lot of pain. Finally passed one then I knew! Good luck. 


on 11/18/12 8:50 am - Vancouver, WA

I don'****ch him cause I think he's a quack but what you describe sounds alot like cystitis.

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