Having the surgery!!

on 10/7/12 9:14 am - Providence, RI
 I had my surgery to have better quality of life and to get of the high blood pressure and my Dr. told me she was ready to put me on insulin. We this friend of mine had the surgery a few months back for "Acid Reflux" and has loss a lot of weight.  She had some complications but not nearly as many as I did. She had the nerve to say  I would never recommend this surgery for someone who just wants to lose weight. WTF!!! ***** are you crazy!!! I had to cuss her out but I did it in a nice way  I was s mad at her how dare you say  that to a woman who loss her father at the young age of 58 because he was overweight and had many many health problems because of it. I was 377# The day I had had mine and even with all the issues I had I would do it again in a heartbeat.....
on 10/7/12 9:24 am - IA
Well, OBVIOUSLY, you DO have the surgery to JUST lose weight.  What the heck is she thinking with that comment?  I can understand why you are annoyed with her.

Glad to hear that your are happy with your results!  I agree I would do it again in a heartbeat also.

Just let her comments roll off your back - you know you are in a good place. 
on 10/7/12 10:00 am - WA
VSG on 09/06/12
well we all knwo better ,  I would do this surgery again and wish I had done this sooner....
on 10/7/12 10:20 am - IA
Me too!  I was miserable for a lot of years.
on 10/7/12 11:39 am - OH
You cussed her out in a nice way?  How does one nicely cuss someone out?

View more of my photos at ObesityHelp.com          Kelly

Please note: I AM NOT A DOCTOR.  If you want medical advice, talk to your doctor.  Whatever I post, there is probably some surgeon or other health care provider somewhere that disagrees with me.  If you want to know what your surgeon thinks, then ask him or her.    Check out my blog.


on 10/7/12 1:21 pm - Providence, RI
 Well what I did was tell her in a very nice tone that I had the surgery to lose weight and to live a better longer life and Yes I will and have recommended this surgery to many people and that she should not make statements like that if she has never walked in my shoes or anyone else who want to have the surgery "just to loose weight" I than grabbed my drink and turned and walked away. before she left the party she came to me to apologize that she had not realized what she was saying. Whatever stupid broad
MyLady Heidi
on 10/7/12 3:16 pm
I also would not recommend wls to someone who is healthy outside of their weight especially if they are young.  I seriously doubt your friend was referring to you with her comment, you had obvious health issues that you were having surgery to resolve.  I do feel the need to address one part of your post I feel is offensive, your putting  'acid reflux', in quotes as if it is not as serious a health issue as your near need of insulin.  Apparently you do not suffer from severe acid reflux because otherwise you would understand the pain and suffering involved.  My mother was a very severe type 1 insulin dependent diabetic, she had many health issues associated with her diabetes including a heart attack when she was 37 years old.  She wad wheelchair bound due to a car accident that shattered her legs after a very severe diabetic incident.  Do you want to know what pain my mother could not live with, the acid reflux she developed a few months before she died.  She died or cardiac arrest, or so they say, but I will never know the truth.  Three doctor visits in the days proceeding her death and none sent her to the hospital or requested tests be completed but they did give her medication for the acid reflux.  My mother did not have a weight issue, and died at 61 years of age, she never got to see me lose weight and rid my body of the diabetes that killed her.  All that said, there are real changes that need to take place, some people who have not tried absolutely everything and who are unwilling to change their eating should not pursue wls until climbing on the table and risking death is truly the only option left.  WLS is a tool, it helps you get a start in weight loss, how you proceed after you reach maintenance is really up to you.