FB friend saying she's grossed out by obese person on plane
The comments are crass but I 100% agree that she is entitled to her whole seat!
I also get pissed off if my neighbour encroaches on my space - flying is stressful enough without having to touch or avoid touching another person you don't know - whether they are 140lbs or 340lbs - ugh!!!
I certainly WOULD have said something if the woman put her feet on my bag - WTF??? That's disgusting!
I also get pissed off if my neighbour encroaches on my space - flying is stressful enough without having to touch or avoid touching another person you don't know - whether they are 140lbs or 340lbs - ugh!!!
I certainly WOULD have said something if the woman put her feet on my bag - WTF??? That's disgusting!
Proud Feminist, Atheist, LGBT friend, and Democratic Socialist
Doesn't seem like your friend was too rude but the other people commenting were. That's just the world we live in. I'm sure it wouldn't be fun having to share your seat because another passenger was too big for theirs. I should know, I was that person that barely fit in the seat for a long time and I've traveled a lot in the past two years. I hated when I had to sit next to another fat person because I knew we'd both be rubbing each other for the next few hours and it was never comfortable (and sometimes they wouldn't wear deodorant; that goes for skinny people, too, but just something about someone that stinks touching you constantly makes me uncomfortable). Luckily these days, I almost always travel with my wife, exclusively. She's 100lbs and only takes up half her seat leaving me with lots of room to "expand" without fear of annoying someone else, haha.
I always hated flying because of the cramped quarters. Thanks to my VSG, I don't have to worry about that any more!!
I always hated flying because of the cramped quarters. Thanks to my VSG, I don't have to worry about that any more!!
I remember a flight from Switzerland to the US many years ago in which they had smoking in the plane. It was fly 8hrs with the ppl in the back smoking and covering my face or moving up. I moved up but the guy I sat next to had put his shoes in the seat and didn't like that I sat there. I was a bit thick but not quite the person I got to be and I remember my JACKET was over the seat handle and he grabbed with with two fingers as if it had cooties and moved it over. I felt so embarrassed I tried not to touch him so I had to endure the entire 8 hr flight with my arms crossed. There are things like this or worst that can happen and you have the freedom of choice to express it in FB or anywhere else but when others made rude comments I would have chimed in...as an observer that I think that everyone commenting on the woman based on her size is deratory and rude. Use the example of recent cases in which ppl who felt belittled or ridiculed took it to the extreme to kill others, and the comments listed on this page are of ppl who judgemental and finalize it by saying...HAVE WE LEARNED NOTHING ABOUT BULLYING??? I find it this very said..but that's just me....and end it there because you also are entitled to your opinion. And your opinion of these ppl was that they were bullying even though it the actual person wasn't there.
Ruth S.
Poking fun at people and making fun of people is NOT okay. Those comments were uncalled for and very RUDE.
However, when a person flies, they are entitled to the entire seat they paid to fly in without their space being intruded upon by another passenger. I would not want a perfect stranger all up on me when flying. I also have a thing about feet. I don't like anybody's feet touching me or my stuff, and that has nothing to do with size. It is rude to take your shoes off and put them on other's things or subject others to the smell of your feet.
However, when a person flies, they are entitled to the entire seat they paid to fly in without their space being intruded upon by another passenger. I would not want a perfect stranger all up on me when flying. I also have a thing about feet. I don't like anybody's feet touching me or my stuff, and that has nothing to do with size. It is rude to take your shoes off and put them on other's things or subject others to the smell of your feet.
I suppose I get how a person can be grossed out in this situation. But I think the bigger problem here is that this person needed to post their disgust on Facebook. This is an attempt to rally support for their feelings, and sadly those who disagree will likely remain silent because it seems the mob shares her disgust for Obese people. I canceled my facebook a while back; too much drama. If I had a "friend" that did this, I'd just ditch em. Life is too short to be assailed by that crap.
In a world where we are told we can be anything we want to be, the
one thing that remains most elusive is the ability to be ourselves.
one thing that remains most elusive is the ability to be ourselves.
RNY on 06/19/12 with
I'm grossed out by me too! And I used to be more grossed out by others who were MO as well. But my level of compassion for them (and me) has increased tremendously since my surgery. Most MO folks are clued into the challenges of flying - and heck the challenges of living in our judgemental society. But I'm equally grossed out by bad language, lack of manners, poor taste and rudeness.
I just flew this weekend. 11pm flight - I had the window seat and my three year old had the aisle seat but I moved her into the middle seat telling her windows and aisles were for grownups. When the woman came for the middle seat, she seemed annoyed. When I offered to move my three year old to the aisle and let her have her assigned seat, her response was less than gracious.
My lil kiddo is a GOOD kid. She's clean, quiet and friendly. Most grownups are drawn to her. This lady was not. This lady flinched with disgust anytime something "crossed the seat barrier". My lil kiddo did not understand why it was becoming such a big deal to hold still and scoot to my side of her seat - she wanted to sit in the middle of her middle seat.
I realized that some people are just not friendly fliers. If it had been me stuck next to her she would have been equally annoyed. However, if you want to "guarantee" no one invades your space, then fly first class on a fancy airline. But if you buy a ticket for the "back of the bus", then expect "back of the bus" conditions. Air travel is not about comfort and boundaries anymore. It's about getting from point A to point B - collectively.
But listening to complainers is bad for your brain (see article link). I would point out to your friend the bullying aspect of the FB comments. LOVE freedom of speech and I also love that compassion and speaking truth in love is a lot more effective than bullying.
http://www.inc.com/minda-zetlin/listening-to-complainers-is- bad-for-your-brain.html
After you hold them accountable for the harassing tone of her status and their subsequent comments, I'd "unsubscribe from her statuses". This is an interim step from defriending but it also saves room on your FB feed for your positive friends who make your life a better one!
I just flew this weekend. 11pm flight - I had the window seat and my three year old had the aisle seat but I moved her into the middle seat telling her windows and aisles were for grownups. When the woman came for the middle seat, she seemed annoyed. When I offered to move my three year old to the aisle and let her have her assigned seat, her response was less than gracious.
My lil kiddo is a GOOD kid. She's clean, quiet and friendly. Most grownups are drawn to her. This lady was not. This lady flinched with disgust anytime something "crossed the seat barrier". My lil kiddo did not understand why it was becoming such a big deal to hold still and scoot to my side of her seat - she wanted to sit in the middle of her middle seat.
I realized that some people are just not friendly fliers. If it had been me stuck next to her she would have been equally annoyed. However, if you want to "guarantee" no one invades your space, then fly first class on a fancy airline. But if you buy a ticket for the "back of the bus", then expect "back of the bus" conditions. Air travel is not about comfort and boundaries anymore. It's about getting from point A to point B - collectively.
But listening to complainers is bad for your brain (see article link). I would point out to your friend the bullying aspect of the FB comments. LOVE freedom of speech and I also love that compassion and speaking truth in love is a lot more effective than bullying.
http://www.inc.com/minda-zetlin/listening-to-complainers-is- bad-for-your-brain.html
After you hold them accountable for the harassing tone of her status and their subsequent comments, I'd "unsubscribe from her statuses". This is an interim step from defriending but it also saves room on your FB feed for your positive friends who make your life a better one!
Your story reminded me of a flight I took one time while still MO. Flying was really uncomfortable because I had to try SO hard not to touch or rub up against the person next to me. On this particular flight, I was seated next to a young boy close to your daughter's age. He was so small, I felt I could relax a bit. Sure enough, about halfway through the flight, he actually fell asleep leaned up against me! I guess I was soft & cushy like a pillow - heh! Far from being disgusted, I thought it was so sweet - I smiled to myself the whole rest of the trip. Children are so sweet and innocent - what an awful lady to feel disgusted by your little one!
Keeping track of my progress without a scale...Starting size: 28-Current size: 6-Goal size: 14
SAND...it's not a club...it's a frame of mind...
I am appalled by your friends need to share this, especially on a public domain like facebook. I am even more appalled by the responses and as someone said, the need to rally around and support the original contributor.
As to the original poster, a lot of people have made comments on why you're still friends etc., DON"T Shoot the Messenger! How do people know whether comments were made back or if they are still friends or whatever.
As to the original poster, a lot of people have made comments on why you're still friends etc., DON"T Shoot the Messenger! How do people know whether comments were made back or if they are still friends or whatever.
Oh, this is so high school. These people need to grow up.
Wouldn't it be interesting if onoe of them as looking for a job and their FB was checked, only to find such horible, childish, and rude comments? What is the employer was MO?
Doubt they would get that job!
If it were me, I would post a reply making her/them know just how their comments make you feel.
She will not know unless you tell her. Maybe you could help her learn something and better herself.
Mom to four, Nana to One, who is READY to be a thiner, healthier one!