Facing My Fears
This is not directly (but rather indirectly) related to WLS, but here goes my confession - I AM TERRIFIED OF THE DENTIST! I had not been to the dentist for 7 years. I was so ignorant of the realities and potential consequences of my decision, that I dropped my dental insurance through work.
So fast forward . . . a couple of months ago I was thinking about my WLS and all the changes that it brought in my life. I had WLS for my health. I exercise and I try to eat right (and do most of the time). BUT in the back of my mind I knew I wasn't 100 percent taking care of my health.
So, for 5 Mondays in a row I pledged to call my dentist and set up a consult with him just to see if he would accept me back and to see if there was any way I could possibly get passed my fears. Funny how I conveniently forgot, on those 5 Mondays, to call the office for an appointment.
Finally I did it - I made an appointment. I went to see him and told him I had a confession. I told him how I felt, what I did, and what my goal was. He was so kind, warm and gentle I can't even begin to tell you. Long story short, I have had 3 appointments in one week - I had the exam with x rays, then a couple of days later a cleaning - then last night a filling.
So, THIS girl who hadn't been to a dentist in 7 years because of her feer, had 3 dentist appointments in one week!
Is there a morale to the story? I don't know - I guess that would be up to each of you *****ad this. But simply, sometimes you just have to face your fears.
So fast forward . . . a couple of months ago I was thinking about my WLS and all the changes that it brought in my life. I had WLS for my health. I exercise and I try to eat right (and do most of the time). BUT in the back of my mind I knew I wasn't 100 percent taking care of my health.
So, for 5 Mondays in a row I pledged to call my dentist and set up a consult with him just to see if he would accept me back and to see if there was any way I could possibly get passed my fears. Funny how I conveniently forgot, on those 5 Mondays, to call the office for an appointment.
Finally I did it - I made an appointment. I went to see him and told him I had a confession. I told him how I felt, what I did, and what my goal was. He was so kind, warm and gentle I can't even begin to tell you. Long story short, I have had 3 appointments in one week - I had the exam with x rays, then a couple of days later a cleaning - then last night a filling.
So, THIS girl who hadn't been to a dentist in 7 years because of her feer, had 3 dentist appointments in one week!
Is there a morale to the story? I don't know - I guess that would be up to each of you *****ad this. But simply, sometimes you just have to face your fears.
oh trust me, you are not alone in this!! I have actually told my dentist that I'd rather be at my yearly gyno exam with my legs spred rather than be in his chair!! LOL But that it precisely WHY I make myself go to my cleaning appointment every 6 months. PREVENTATIVE. This is purely out of discipline that I go...and the thought of having any (more than I already have) procedures such as a crown, etc....freaks me out. I hate it. I think we can associate this fear to a terriffying experience with the dentist when we were young. That must be it.
Anyway...congrats on stepping up and facing your fear!! Way to go!
You're right...our wls is just one part of an overall healthy lifestyle.
Anyway...congrats on stepping up and facing your fear!! Way to go!

Nothing tastes as good as healthy feels! 

Good job!!! I went to the dentist all the time, but after awhile my teeth started becoming brittle and started breaking...I had root canals done, and teeth repaired, but it only held up a few years...The dentist said it might be from not getting enough calcium into my diet...Anyways, I had to have all my teeth pulled...It took about 8 weeks to heal...They went to take impressions in order to make my teeth and here the surgeon who took my teeth out never trimmed down the bones, therefore leaving spurs sticking out of my gums...So, I had to go back in, they re-cut all my gums back open, chissled forever to trim down the spurs, and then sewed me shut again...Had to go through all that pain and misery because the surgeon didnt do his job right...I had to wait another 8 weeks for my gums to heal again before having impressions done...It took forever to get my dentures...I love my teeth now, they are so pretty, not crooked, dont ever have to have fillings or teeth cleaned...but it sure was a lot of pain and misery just to get to where I am now....So, make sure everyone takes good care of their teeth...Am proud of you for making your appointments and sticking to them.
Many people will walk in and out of your life, but only TRUE FRIENDS will leave footprints in your heart...And may that friendship have such a ONENESS that when one weeps the other will taste salt...Friends are like balloons ; once you let them go you can't get them back....So I'm going to tie you to my heart so I never lose you.
I could repost exactly what you wrote, put my name at the end and call it me! I am so there. I had skipped the ob/gyn and dentist for far too long. When I started thinking about WLS, I started thinking about my health in general. If I'm willing to have surgery and all the prep that comes with it, I surely should get the rest of my house in order too. And so I have...ob/gyn last week, mammogram scheduled, dentist scheduled. I'm nervous (freaked out!) about the dentist because I'm pretty sure it is going to lead to periodontal work but I need to get it done. Not sure I'll do 3 appointments in a week but I'm committed to fixing my health in all areas. I mean, isn't that what WLS is all about anyway? A fresh start.
It is good to know I'm not alone - thanks for posting!
It is good to know I'm not alone - thanks for posting!