a little disappointed

on 7/30/12 1:06 am - TX
RNY on 07/02/12

i was so happy to get the go-ahead from my doc to start phase 2 of the diet plan (soft foods) after my 2-week checkup.. however, its been almost two weeks now and im having difficulties with the foods... of everything ive tried, all i have been able to eat without complication is wing drumettes, pudding, and one tiny oreo cookie (i know i know but i had to have it!) for any of the other foods, on the first bite i start getting chest pains around my sternum area.. by the second bite im getting the feeling that i should head to the bathroom.. i havent actually vomited, but have gotten so far as the dry heaves... the bites are small, and im chewing things that probably dont even need chewing, and going slowly.. guess i need a bit more healing.. i also sometimes break out in a sweat, or get hot-type flashes or really chilly.. i dont go so far as trying a third bite.. anyone else have this problem, and is there anything i can try besides going back to the full liquid phase and wait awhile to try again?

on 7/30/12 1:31 am - albany , KY
i know u have had a different surgery ( i had lap band may 8) if i ate food that is grease or take to big of a bit i do the same thing. its like my body is saying oh no u dont !! Star****ching what foods u do it the most with high sugar and greasy food i but . i found out i can not eat chicken. at all , you also may not be able to eat the same foods as before. 
Bette B.
on 7/30/12 1:49 am
 Well hello, relatively-new-bandster! 


Banded 10 years & maintaining my weight loss!! Any questions, message me.

Bette B.
on 7/30/12 1:54 am
You're still very much in a healing stage, so your body is going to pretty do what IT wants to do. Try to placate it. 

Try tiny amounts of different foods, especially foods that you can take a couple of tastes of and seal back up, like yogurt. Try foods of different temps. Sometimes warm goes down better than cold, and vice versa.

I would be wary of chicken at this stage (it's not really soft) and anything dry, like the cookie. And yes, I know what happens when those craving****

And MAKE SURE that you're getting in the right amounts of fluids!


Banded 10 years & maintaining my weight loss!! Any questions, message me.

on 7/30/12 1:56 am - OH
You can call your surgeon and ask if he thinks you  might have a stricture.  Sounds like you  might.

View more of my photos at ObesityHelp.com          Kelly

Please note: I AM NOT A DOCTOR.  If you want medical advice, talk to your doctor.  Whatever I post, there is probably some surgeon or other health care provider somewhere that disagrees with me.  If you want to know what your surgeon thinks, then ask him or her.    Check out my blog.


Kim S.
on 7/30/12 1:58 am - Helena, AL
Of the 3 foods you describe, none of them is ideal in the early stages.

Wing drumettes-how was this prepared?  If it was fried-not good. 
Instead eat:  Bake chicken thighs (the boneless,skinless ones) with cream of mushroom soup on them.  Cover with foil and bake at 275 for at least 1 hour.  They will be fork tender and juicy.

Pudding-many people have issues with milk and sugar substitutes.  Also, very little protein.

Oreo.  OREO?!  Come on.  That is not on your food plan.  You need to maximize the value of what you put in your mouth, especially in the early days.  You'll be able to have stuff like this later in maintenance (on a very limited basis) but for now, please don't even go there.

This is the time for you to create good habits, because believe me, you will need them once maintenance begins. 

Follow your plan-protein first.  Eat good quality foods prepared in a healthy manner and chew like crazy.  If the problem persists, call your doctor.
on 7/30/12 2:44 am - Canada
Ya what Kelly said... I assume liquids are going down ok? What about thicker liquids like cream soups, yogert, etc? No chest pains and sick feeling with full liquids? Pureed stage? Go slow eat really really moist things try one or two new things a day... if you feel like its not what you are eating and you are chewing very very well... talk to your dr.... perhaps as Kelly said you have a stricture.
on 7/30/12 11:25 pm - Morris, IL
RNY on 06/04/12
I found ground beef browned with a tsp or two of ragu and some cheese to work wonders at that point as well as chicken thighs. In fact they are two of my main staples still at 8 weeks out.

BTW Walmart sells sugar free oreos... they are not low in calories but do have no sugar in case you dump. Not that I advocate eating them a lot. But I was having craving for oreos too and that is what I bought I did throw away the last half of the package the other day cuz they got soft sitting there for so long. I didn't eat them daily or more than one a day but I did enjoy them every couple of days. So I won't be the one to beat you up over that.

View more of my photos at ObesityHelp.com

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