so curious i just have to know

on 7/12/12 6:26 am - TX
RNY on 07/02/12
ok i have wondered about this since the first day i found this board, and my brain refuses to stop until i get an answer.. i am wondering about these pre-op diets that you guys are/were on... heres the rundown of how my process went..

1. april - got referral from ob/gyn for bariatric surgery
              had first appointment with bariatric surgeon
                 - got starting weight and vitals recorded
                 - filled out questionaire and medical history
                 - did pre-op tests (gallbladder US, cardiac US, lung function test, bloodwork
                 - surgeon approved that i was a good candidate and recommended rny (no
                    discussion of any other surgeries, but i read about them while i was waiting)
                 - paperwork submitted to insurance

2. may - insurance company sent me a rejection letter because the doctors office failed
             to send in my medical records (they did, stall tactic)
          - doctors office got them to "find" my records

3. june - doctors office called to say i was approved
           - scheduled july surgery date

4. july - appointment with surgeon (5 minutes) to get instructions on what meds to
             continue prior to surgery
          - talked with nurse (5 minutes) and given handouts of post-op diets
          - did final pre-op testing (bloodwork and urinalysis) and pre-admit paperwork
          - had surgery

ok so now you know why i am confused about all this other stuff im hearing.. i didnt do any counseling, group therapy, seminars, pre-op weight loss, fasts, psych evaluations, or any of that stuff.. is it just that every doctor is different? i thought my way was pretty standard, but im seeing its not.. my surgeon is one of the top-rated in the country, so i cant see that hes some kind of quack or back-alley surgeon and that is why all this was skipped? i do understand that some insurance companies require the pre-op weight loss, but i dont understand why.. thought this was some kind of tactic they might employ to reject someone, as in "since youre losing weight without the surgery, ahhhhhhhh rejected!".. my starting weight was pretty high at 309, so i thought that if it was a safety issue, i would definitely been required to do this part.. please someone ease my brain!
on 7/12/12 6:44 am - OH
Different doctors have different requirements and different insurance companies have different requirements.

View more of my photos at          Kelly

Please note: I AM NOT A DOCTOR.  If you want medical advice, talk to your doctor.  Whatever I post, there is probably some surgeon or other health care provider somewhere that disagrees with me.  If you want to know what your surgeon thinks, then ask him or her.    Check out my blog.


on 7/12/12 6:44 am - Sacramento, CA
Yes, all doctors are different and require different things. I also started at a high weight, 307. With my doctor, I had an orientation, three classes,had to do a special pre-op diet, a phsych eval, meeting with my case manager, meeting with my nutritionist, attend at least one support group and we had to do three weigh ins all before surgery. But that is what is required by my surgeon. yours may be totally different, which is okay. but keep yourself informed to make sure youre doing the right thing after your surgery, like taking the right vitamins and excersizing.

Height:5'1.5 RNY:11/30/11 HW:307 SW:234 CW:136 GW:140 (LOST 73 Lbs. PRE-OP)



on 7/12/12 10:38 am - AL
I d to do a pre op liquid  diet so it would shrink my liver but it was only for 5 days
on 7/12/12 11:05 am
You already had RNY on 7/2 right? So why are you bothering getting upset and second guessing your surgeon/ pre-op prep at this point?  Why does it matter why you were not required to do a pre-op diet? It is never too late to go for counseling- nutritional or otherwise. If you feel you need more support, contact your surgeon. If he is not responsive enough for you, many other drs are more than willing to do follow up for you, as long as they get paid. RNY patients have the possibilities of nutritional deficiencies, so if you need help- make sure you make yourself a priority and get it! Good luck!
on 7/12/12 11:34 am - OH
She didn't say she was upset.  She said she was curious about why there was a difference.

View more of my photos at          Kelly

Please note: I AM NOT A DOCTOR.  If you want medical advice, talk to your doctor.  Whatever I post, there is probably some surgeon or other health care provider somewhere that disagrees with me.  If you want to know what your surgeon thinks, then ask him or her.    Check out my blog.


on 7/13/12 5:11 am - Canandaigua, NY
RNY on 07/02/12
You're rude.  Jeepers.
Just had my RNY on 7.2.12!!!!  WOOHOO!!!!!         
on 7/12/12 1:55 pm - Morris, IL
RNY on 06/04/12
All docs and insurances are different and require different things. I'll post what mine was so you can see just how different they can be.

1. March- weightloss seminar and handouts showing what would be required and suggesting doctors in the area to fulfill the requirements.

2. March- scheduled appts with cardiologist for stress test and EKG for surgery approval

3. March - Appt with psych for surgery approval

4. March- Appt with pulminologist for testing for surgery approval.

5. March - Appt with doc to discuss different surgery types and decided on RNY after making sure he knew I did NOT want the realize band.

6. April - Required nutrition class for insurance I couldn't make the first date so it pushed me back two weeks in the end.

7. April - submitted to insurance.

8. May about 5 days later got insurance approval and scheduled June date for surgery.

9. May- Met with doc for about 5 mins again confirmed which surgery I wanted and signed release.

10. May- Had labs drawn for surgery.

11. started 2 week pre-op diet of two protein shakes a day with one meal of 3 oz protein and 1/2 cup of vegs a day to shrink liver.

12. June- had blood cross done friday before surgery

13. June - surgery.

Since then I've gone to a support group and had my mandatory 4 week nutrition class and check up.

View more of my photos at

5' 3" - HW: 244 SW:234  GW:120 LW: 107 CW:110 Made goal 3/16/13!    

on 7/12/12 11:28 pm - fremont, NE
Mine was 6 months classes with dietician, several tests before surgery could be scheduled, such as colonoscopy, heart tests, blood oxygent test, etc.  Also psychiatric evaluation for soundness of reason why I wanted the surgery. 
I like how my Dr./hospital did it--I wouldn't have wanted it any other way. 

Post surgery I had to have the regular visits to Dr. and dietician, as well as behavioral therapy. 

Neen L.
on 7/13/12 4:10 am, edited 7/13/12 4:10 am - Arlington, VA
My pre-op experience was much simpler than most. Every doctor does things a little differently, but here is how mine went:

March 2004: Did research into WLS options and got a recommendation for a good surgeon from a doctor at the hospital where my dad is a dentist. Met surgeon and discussed procedures. I should add that he was kind enough to squeeze me into his schedule at the last minute because I was only in Pittsburgh for spring break from school. I thought about things for a few days after the initial appointment and then told him that I would like to proceed with a RNY.

Dr. Quinlin told me that he would schedule a surgery date once I had a physical with my PCP and a psychological evaluation. I'd been seeing a therapist for awhile and she was very supportive of my decision. After a brief appointment, she wrote my surgeon a letter indicating that she thought I was mentally prepared for surgery. My PCP also approved of both the procedure and the surgeon I selected and he signed off on it as well.

BCBS approved me for RNY in early April and my surgery was scheduled for April 28, 2004. A week prior to the operation, I had blood work and a few tests run to make sure that I was healthy enough. That was that! I had to stop eating and go on clear liquids 2 days prior to the RNY, but it was all in all a very simple and straightforward process for me.

Long-term post-ops with regain struggles, click here to see some steps for getting back on track (without the 5-day pouch fad or liquid diet):

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