Putting a positive spin on stretchmarks
Doesn't work, I have tried everything, they are scars and at best fade, nothing gets rid of them. I started getting them when I was very young, I remember my mother being so upset and crying when she saw them on the inside of my legs, she made me feel like no one would ever want to be with someone with these hideous marks on their body. They were already starting elsewhere, it is half the reason I married my ex-husband because he was the first person I slept with and he didn't make a big deal about them, I figured I was just super lucky that anyone else would be repulsed. They have been a source of shame my entire life. Nowadays I wear a bikini in the pool and my bf's family has seen me, I won't do it in public but even showing this much skin to anyone is a huge step. My ex husband probably never saw me naked with the lights on ever. So sad.
Mine look more like zebra stripes and I love every last one of them. Weather they are from being heavy my whole life and growing very quickly as a child, or from carrying my two multiple birth pregnancies (I have twins and triplets, heck I didn't thik the human body could stretch THAT much! ouch!) I wouldn't trade em for the world! Considering they are absolutely everywhere, not much you can do with it LOL! Heck we really only have another 20 years left to look "good" before we all get old, wrinkly, and pruny anyways LMAO!! Love your body no matter what it looks like!!!!
Have an awesome day and thanks for posting this, great picture!
P.S.: Here's an idea! Lets all post pictures of our stretchmarks, I'll start that thread with my zebra stripes I love it!
Have an awesome day and thanks for posting this, great picture!
P.S.: Here's an idea! Lets all post pictures of our stretchmarks, I'll start that thread with my zebra stripes I love it!
RNY on 12/04/12
I had them on my upper back and shoulders. It was an easy fix, I just covered them in tattoos :) lol