on 7/6/12 6:45 am - TX
RNY on 07/02/12
hello again all! well i had my rny on monday and im so glad its over and i am back home.. i think i am doing fine as well as getting along.. i shuffle around like a little old lady but im moving.. i occasionally have some pain, especially where the drain was placed, but i notice it mostly when i forget to take my painkiller, or try to be a hero and skip a dose.. i am occasionally experiencing nausea, especially when i change positions too fast or first stand up.. anyone have a way to get rid of that or do i just have to deal with it? i also am a little confused about the total liquid phase of the diet.. there was so much information thrown at me im afraid i didnt get it all straight.. aside from the protein shake servings, are there any portion sizes for the other liquids, such as the broths? im not sure how much i should be taking in, or how often, and i dont want to overdo it or even underdo it.. i am still trying to catch some signal from my body that im done before ive gone too far.. thanks for any help!
on 7/6/12 6:59 am - Nashville, TN
Revision on 03/18/15
sounds like you are doing great. and no,aside from the protein shakes,drink all the broth and liquids on your plan as you can. Liquid goes right thru you so you won't over fill on liquid,just remember to take tiny sips.

The nausea could be from dehydration,so drink up.





on 7/6/12 7:07 am - TX
RNY on 07/02/12
whew glad i asked.. i was trying to do the broth thing every 2-3 hours, and stopping after drinking a cup or so... i believe i was getting it confused with the stages that i can get on the actual food.. i feel like a dummy but glad i didnt keep on with it.. although i figured since ive already lost 8 pounds i may have been doing it right, and this is where the suffering was beginning.. thanks so much for straightening me out!
on 7/6/12 7:32 am - AL
 I am 7 days out and every day the pain gets a little better for the first 4 days I thought I was going to die but of course the pain was only in my left side where most of the work was done. as far as my liquid intake I trt to get as much water and protein I can get. Sunday I get to go to blended foods. I havent had and nausea issues. 
on 7/6/12 8:07 am - OH
You need at least 64 oz of liquid altogether over the day.  You can drink as much at a time as feels comfortable to you.

If you feel nauseous when you move too fast or first stand up, just try to move slow and get up slow and stand still for a minute when you first stand up.  It's probably due to blood pressure dropping suddenly, which may be due to not getting enough liquids.

View more of my photos at ObesityHelp.com          Kelly

Please note: I AM NOT A DOCTOR.  If you want medical advice, talk to your doctor.  Whatever I post, there is probably some surgeon or other health care provider somewhere that disagrees with me.  If you want to know what your surgeon thinks, then ask him or her.    Check out my blog.


on 7/6/12 11:04 am - TX
RNY on 07/02/12
theres been a few times that ive thought that this is what death must be like too lol.. im noticing most of the harsher pain is on my left side at the drain incision area as well.. this morning it was more in my lower back right about where the kidneys are, so yall are right that im probably not getting enough water.. ive tried to get in more today and noticed that the back pain has subsided remarkedly.. the nausea hasnt been too bad.. its not to the point where i am close to vomiting, just that queasy feeling you get after eating too much greasy food or something like that, accompanied by a slightly light-headed feeling.. probably also fixable by more water.. thanks yall!
on 7/6/12 3:47 pm - mesa, AZ
you cant overdue liquids right now... just keep drinking.. if too muc

GinaU aka Jeanna 
 RNY revised  to Extended RNY 5/2008
Total loss 181 and counting 

Mary Catherine
on 7/6/12 9:07 pm
 There will be blood pressure readjustments as you lose weight.  Before you stand up, take a minute to pump your legs.  The blood tends to pool in your lower body will sitting or lying down.  A few pumps before standing up will get it moving and prevent the dizziness.
on 7/6/12 10:40 pm
 Right now you cannot overdo liquids.  Get in as much as you can.  Sip, sip, sip, rest, walk, and take your pain meds you need them right now your body has been through a big trauma.  Soon you will start to feel better and need them less, just listen to your body.

Congrats and welcome to the losers bench!!!

on 7/7/12 12:30 pm
It's also somewhat common to experience nausea early out.  I dealt with it for about 8 weeks, not bad enough to puke but that yuck feeling.  Sipping on hot peppermint tea was a life saver, just wanted to share if you continue to be nauseated you might give it a try.

Proximal RNY Lap - 02/21/05

 9 years committed ~  100% EWL and Maintaining



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