Not sure where to begin...

on 7/4/12 12:58 pm - SD
 Hello All,

Sure has been a while since I have been here. Let's just say the last few years have not been the greatest. I was put back on my Thyroid Medication. I am actually taking 2 forms of Thyroid, Levothyroxin, and L-Thyronin(aka T3) because my medication is not converting to T3. So I am on both.

I have seen a few new faces while scrolling through the forum. I would love for some advice, because I am actually thinking of removing my band, because I feel it is just not working for me. 

November 3, 2008 I had the Lap-Band Surgery. In one year I lost a total of 60 pounds. My highest weight was 267 and was at 207 Nov. 2009.  In 2010 I was about 220, and now I am 243, and been 243 for the past year I can still fit into a size 16 when I weighed 207-220 which I find is weird. I often question could the extra weight just be water weight cause of Thyroid. I am sure the big part of it is, I am not exercising. Yeah, I like to eat some not so healthy food, but I love my fruit, eat lots of it, chicken, fish, I basically still have a healthy life style, just not the working out part. Another big part I do not eat breakfest because it makes me sick to my stomach, but recently have been bringing in small things for breakfest like a piece of toast, and a banana. My band per my surgeon can hold up to 14cc's and I am currently at 10.5cc's. In April 2010, I had a bad mishap with steak, started choking, went into hyperventaling shock, rushed to the ER, and surprisingly my stomach did not come up through the band, nor did the band slip.  But ever since than I have not felt like myself, I feel I have no energy, could be cause of Thyroid. I don't feel motivated either.

With in the last few weeks, I have experienced excruciating pains on left side, right by my stomach, sharp pains, too. I know it is not my Gallbladder, had that out in 2009. Per my nurse, she says it is constipation, which it comes along with my thyroid, and having an underactive thyroid. But a part of me feels like it is not constipation, that something else is wrong. I had an upper GI done a few months, the band looked normal, and  that was when they tightened me to 10.5cc's I was at 11cc's when I choked on a piece of steak.  Some of you might be shocked, but I can actually still eat 3 Hot Dogs, a cup of tuna salad, and if I still hungry I coud fit in a medium size muffin. Which I do not eat like that everyday, but that is what I had at a BBQ not to long ago. I should not be able to eat all that. My Surgeon feels there is no fat around my stomach, just every where else it is. He also thinks I am getting in more than just the 1200 calories he wants me on. Which most days I probably get less than that, I do eat healthy I have chicken every other day, fish at least once aweek, and beef the other days. 

What I am asking for is I need some hope again, I need to know whether if I should take it out or go with the Sleeve. But I have been doing my research, and I am not able to find what the complications are, is it effective? My Surgeon about 6-8 months ago, asked me if I wanted to have it removed (the band). I don't feel motivated anymore. I feel like I should just accept that I am fat, that I am not going to be skinny. I was just diagnosed with being pre-diabetic, because my sugar levels are high, but my protein is low, even though I eat a lot of things that have protein in it.

I need advice, I am stuck at what I need to do, and where I should go from here. If anyone can point me to a sight for the Sleeve, that would be great.

Thank you!


on 7/4/12 1:07 pm - SD
 Also wanted to state that with in the past 1 1/2 years I also have PCOS which can cause weight gain per my OB/GYN


on 7/4/12 11:44 pm
The Sleeve seems to be a great surgery, if restriction alone will give you all the help you need. There are very few potential complications with the Sleeve.

You might also want to research the DS. It has the same stomach as the Sleeve, plus an intestinal bypass which really helps with things like diabetes, PCOS, and high cholesterol.
on 7/4/12 9:24 pm - freeport, TX
RNY on 08/19/09 with
I had too much weight to lose so something like the sleeve or a band wouldn't be enough for me. I didn't want to go thru major surgery and have to repeat it.

I love my RNY. I know there are a lot here who post about how great their DS is and i'm truly happy for them. There was no way my insurance would cover it. So it was RNY or nothing.

I was 450 lbs. Now i'm down to 183. I log every bite I eat. I eat low carb. I had a bit of regain but caught it and went back to eating low carb and lost back down to where I was.

It's not easy, nothing worth having ever is. Good luck
Mary Catherine
on 7/4/12 11:21 pm
The sleeve is not going to do much more for you than the band.  It is mainly restriction and you already know that restriction does not stop you from overeating.  The RNY will give you restriction, but also has malabsorption.  That means that if you do eat 3 hotdogs, a cup of tuna salad and a muffin, most of that food will pass through you unabsorbed and you will still lose weight.

For the first 18 months or so, you will lose weight and maintain that loss.  If you use that honeymoon period to also learn how to eat properly, then you have a good shot at maintaining your weight loss for life.  The RNY also is effective at preventing the diabetes.  With the RNY you have a good chance of losing about 100 pounds and being skinny.

If anything the thyroid medicines will cause weight loss.
on 7/4/12 11:46 pm - Chattanooga , TN
RNY on 06/13/12
I was diabetic, I had my RNY just 3 weeks ago yesterday and have already lost 28lbs. I was off of diabetic meds the day of surgery and been checking my blood sugar and it is completely normal. As far as how much you can eat. I can't even get hald a hotdog down at once. I can eat 2/3's of a half of a tuna sandwich. I would revise to the RNY. I do believe that it was the best decision that I have ever made.
on 7/5/12 6:24 am - Woodbridge, VA
RNY on 06/19/12 with

Hang in there!!!  I know you're discouraged but clearly you have not given up or you wouldn't have posted here!!

Talk to your doctor - if you don't love him... test drive some other ones. My dr really wanted me to do the sleeve but I need the "consequences".  I LOVE ice cream, hot dogs, candy... all kinds of things that would sabotage my goals.  RNY was the best choice for me.

I'd also recommend talking to your general practioner - you might benefit from something for depression.  That's not to say you're depressed but sometimes your GP doctor can prescribe just a little something to take the edge off and you can find yourself (and your motivation!!!) again.

Finally... I comb on a regular basis looking for healthy inspiration.  Lots of the posts are repetitive but that's what I need.  I need to remind myself on a daily basis that God made me an awesome woman with all kinds of amazing things to accomplish in the world. 

I was always taught if you want to learn how to make money, you don't talk to someone who's swimming in debt.  You want to talk to someone who's been successful in making and keeping their money. 

I kinda think healthy living is the same way, well partially.  I get inspired by learning and understanding what steps really healthy people take to stay really healthy - it just doesn't "happen" even they have to work at it.  Of course I also get inspired by folks who treated their bodies poorly (like me) but then invested the blood, sweat and tears and came out glowing on the other side.

1) Hang in there!  2) Call your doctor this afternoon!!! 3) Find something that makes you think "hhmmmm... I'd really like to... wear that swimsuit, run that 5k, enjoy that roller coaster... Whatever "that" is for you!

Good luck!  Can't wait to hear how things go for you!

Valerie G.
on 7/5/12 7:19 am - Northwest Mountains, GA
 You've lost about half of your excess weight, which statistically counts as a successful band procedure.  It's disheartening, I know.  The sleeve may help you lose a little more and be much easier to live with, but you may need an extra metabolic boost to reach your goals.  I would definitely be wanting that evil mechanism out of me and looking at either the RNY or DS.

DS 2005

There is room on this earth for all of God's creatures..
next to the mashed potatoes

on 7/6/12 3:18 pm - SD
 Thank you everyone! I appreciate and will take your advice into consideration. I see my Surgeon on the 19th, which we will be talking about the removal and what to revise to RNY or DS. The bad thing about the whole process is my insurance no longer covers weight loss surgeries, and they no longer cover my fills for my band, so each visit that I do whether if I get a fill or not, is $100  each time I see the doctor, and his Practitioner is $80, since I have been a long time patient, I am actually receiving a discount. 

I feel I really need to do this for me to find a little bit more of myself. 

Thanks again. And I will keep you updated!



J. St.peter
on 7/9/12 4:35 am I had gastric bypass 6 days ago. I have lost 20 pounds.. I feel like it's fake and I kept getting on the scale like maybe it's broken :/... I feel lightheaded with almost everything I eat I get this heavy feeling in my head and eyes and I have to lay down.. with sugar free jello sugar free apple sauce.. all I can do is drink water in broth... I don't know what else to try to eat.. I have been working a emotional crying over everything.. are my symptoms normal??? I see my doctor on wednesday.. I was hoping to get a answer sooner