sleeved! But, still in hospital...

on 6/27/12 2:51 pm - CO
I was sleeved tuesday, but none of the gas moved...and I wasnt keeping anything down,  I had pain from the moment that I woke up.  Mostly gas pains... been walkin.. still trying to get a little bit of fluids in.   I am just glad to be on the loser bench... FINALLY
on 6/27/12 3:23 pm - NC
Hope things get better for you:) Im starting my 2 week preop today and have a surgery date of july 12th. I cant wait to be sitting on the losers bench with you!!! Save me a seat.....feel better
on 6/27/12 5:11 pm
Yay! Happy for you. Hope you feel better soon and congrats on your sleeve!
on 6/27/12 7:58 pm
Welcome to the bench.  Hopefully you will be home soon.

on 6/27/12 9:52 pm
Hope this resolves soon .... best wishes on your weight loss journey ... I am soooooooo glad for you too!!!

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autumnsiggy2RNY 2/5/07 no regain having implemented lifestyle changes....


on 6/27/12 10:37 pm - Bradenton, FL
Welcome to the looser bench! I am ten years out from my rny. I had my surgery done at swedish. I went from my highest weight of 285 down to 140. I used to live in Colorado but currently live in Florida. I do come back to Coloradooften and visit.
image hosting site

on 6/28/12 11:41 am - Toronto, Canada
RNY on 08/20/12
Congrats to you

20AUG12-8AM SURGERY AT ST.JOES IN TORONTO  W/ DR SMITH                        
