I am back, finally.

on 6/2/12 12:06 pm - Canada
So, I finally made it back into the game.
Going to meetings, getting healthier (that is an up-down battle), moving my body.
I have my first appointment with Dr Nguyen on Tuesday.
Lots has happened since my original surgery with Malik was canceled due to my severe ulcerate colitis. That was in 2010, January 17... when my WLS world came crushing down; two weeks before my date.
I went into a downward spiral that continued for about a year. I was angry, disappointed and devastated.
With the help of my friends, GP and a wonderful therapist I am "over" it. Well, I learned to heal and focus my efforts productively in other ways.
Am in a much better place, mentally and emotionally, I can honestly say I am happy with myself.
My GP referred me to Westcoast in October, did not held my breath for anything. Last week my Dr office called to tell me I have an appointment. Still, everything regarding WLS does not get me excited right now.
I am active with volunteering since September of last year; at a local low-income food store, my body moves at least 4 times a week for 4-5 hours. I feel I have a purpose and I do not sleep my mornings away anymore.

So, just a little update on me and I am still here and back in the loop.

Have a great journey everyone!

on 6/2/12 5:21 pm - houston, TX
VSG on 05/17/12
 i am glad things have resolved for you and that your surgery is on the way. its amazing that you are voluneering and that says wonders about you. keep up the great work it is always great to have something to look forward to and something that keep us going. 
on 6/4/12 4:50 am - Canada
Thanks for your kind words.
It was a rough and road, but I feel great.
The volunteering makes me feel I have purpose, its great to be able to give back.