So I Wasn't Nice...

on 5/29/12 11:10 am
Good for you... unfortunately she is not atypical in her thoughts. I remember hearing people like her when I went out in public, everything from comments about what is in my grocery cart to loud comments about how could I let myself get "like that"... So hurtful and viscious even... Its very demeaning. Personally I think she has such a low self esteem that she makes herself feel better by putting others down. Like status or something. I hate people like that.  I am glad you said something and then left her hanging maybe with her mouth open. there is a special place in the hot room afterlife for people like her...
on 5/29/12 1:55 pm - Mobile, Al
 You were nicer than i would have been - i would have made sure every ounce of my hanging skin that she belittled dragged acrosss her face as i "accidentally" tripped into her!
on 5/29/12 2:05 pm
YAY FOR YOU!   You made my day.
(deactivated member)
on 5/29/12 4:55 pm
On May 29, 2012 at 1:42 PM Pacific Time, aseg21 wrote:
Typically, I'm pretty nice about weight issues with people and I'm even nice when ignorant people make stupid comments. But on a flight the other day, I couldn't do it. 

I was seated next to a very loud and obnoxious woman who had a running commentary on my pregnancy, weight gain and relating every single body issue that could come with pregnancy. I smiled politely and managed not to say anything ugly even when she commented that "at least with pregnancy you have a reason and you didn't just give up and become a fatty". She was so proud of proclaiming to me that it must be hard to get used to not being thin but to at least be "obviously pregnant". Through it all, I managed to not respond. However, my politeness ended when I took off my sweater and she made a comment. 

She looked over and said "oh my lord, you let your arms go - you're going to have to cover those up or people will think you used to just be fat". She said this with such disgust that you would think I had formerly been a Nazi or a convicted felon etc. When she started pointing out the overweight people on our flight, I absolutely lost it. 

Instead of being polite, I opted for leaning over and telling her that I used to be quite overweight. Severely overweight. That not only did I have no idea what it was like for people to think of me as thin but that I understood exactly how it felt to be overweight and self conscious. That it was really ugly to sit and comment on peoples appearances. She tried to redeem herself by telling me at least I got motivated and lost it the "right way" instead of "copping out with surgery and stuff". I smiled nicely and told her that I had surgery. That it was one of the hardest decisions I've ever made and that it took as much work, dedication, endurance and mental strength as anything I've ever undertaken. 

Then I paged the flight attendant and asked to move to another seat. =)
Good on you!  I would have made her sit there and felt sure I was making her feel uncomfortable for the rest of the flight.  You are a better person than I.

Queen Koosa
on 5/29/12 8:15 pm
Good lord, what is wrong with people.  I would have fliped out.

on 5/29/12 10:48 pm
 You were far nicer than I would have been. Good for you for sticking up for yourself, and for moving away from her. I hope she was suitably mortified by her own behavior.
MyLady Heidi
on 5/29/12 11:09 pm
Wasn't Nice?  You were ******g Mother Theresa for not knocking her into next week.  You really could not have been nicer, better, or smarter about what you did and how you handled a horrible situation.  Hopefully she learned something, but its unlikly, sadly people like her don't even know what they are saying or doing is wrong.  I like your style!
on 5/29/12 11:28 pm
 You were just awesome.   ... Sometimes I just can't grasp how certain people can be so ignorant or obnoxious or downright rude to step into one's private space and make uninvited comments ... you were just awesome .... I would have given her my special ? look or would have unleashed my panamaniac inner biatch ..... shame on her!

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autumnsiggy2RNY 2/5/07 no regain having implemented lifestyle changes....


on 5/30/12 4:05 am - IN
RNY on 06/06/12
People like that I actually feel sorry for.  They have been raised ignorant and ugly inside.  Being rude is a product of your up-bringing and that person must have been raised by some horribly cruel people.  After you left I can bet that person deep down felt bad but couldn't get the courage up to appologize.  Maybe a few more times of that person getting the cold shoulder like that they will learn.  You handled yourself with class and dignity.  I applaude you.
on 5/30/12 10:52 am - San Jose,, CA

The audacity of some still astounds me......


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