I am grateful for great doctors who have helped us see the way to a better life. I am grateful I woke up in recovery, even though I had to be reintebated till 9:30 that night. Being a diabetic my sugars went up and wanted to hold onto the drug they paralize you with so you don't move. So I just kept on staying under till they finallywere able to wake my butt up. Nothing like waking up with a tube and you cannot talk. Once I could understand what they were telling me, I shook my head and was out again. I am grateful for such excellent specially trained bariatric nurses who were on top of everything. Grateful the nurses brought my husband sheets pillows and blankets to make a bed on a blow-up matress. They provide cots, but were all being used as so many spouses can and stayed with their mates! Isn't that wonderful! They supplied all his meals also. I am grateful we had wonderful medical insurance and never had to worry about a thing. Yes, I did feel horrible. Yes the bed killed my back and couldn't sleep on my side. I asked for a heating pad and was provide a warm water pad that is plugged into a machine that has ho****er flowing through it to help with my back and hips. I am grateful for such a wonderful experience in spite of the nausea, pain from pre-existing conditions. My mother was a strong person and felt us Stewarts were a strong bunch and were survivors. She is right. I'm stronger than I thought and I am 59. I have faith in Inland Valley Medical Center in Wildimar, California. Most of all I had faith in my surgery team. As they wheeled me into OR I was talking to the anesthesiologist and told him, Dr. David Suh my surgeon is important but you really are the most important one in here. You keep the patients alive. I am grateful l for nurse Lisa who is on call for 24/7 all year round and called in meds at 5 in the morning to Walgreen's and a dear husband who drove down there right away and picked it up. I am just plain grateful. Jane