5 years out next month and....some issues

on 5/22/12 9:03 am, edited 5/22/12 9:26 am - BEAUFORT, NC

5 years out and while I am back up to 160 which is ok since 142 was just leaving me a bag of wrinckles.  Weight gain is not so much an issue as is having a low Iron ferritin level of 3 and now we are looking at an Iron transfusion....Iron pills, vitamins, yea I got off of them and you can lay alot of blame at not following the rules of course and now I am in a pickle cause it is more than extremely difficult  to get back close to a normal range.  Has anyone had these tranfusions , they are say it is done over two weeks.  I also have low blood sugar but I am on meds for that....LOL alot of mental confusion with both of these...LOL that makes me a cheap, easy drunk air head date!  Its funny but also serious.

This is what I do know here I am 5 years out...yep I am just under the normal bounce back weight gain and can probably take it of with what they told me in the beginning would be the hardest issue..... following the rules and makeing a life long commitment to change.  As in any new relationship that is easy and challenging to follow with that first year of magic weight loss with no hunger issues (I had GYN, not LAP)  After a few years it so easy to let in  that glass, then a few more glasses of wine in,  it gets easier to eat bread, though beef is still hard as is alot of protein.  Way I see it in my opinion please, is we are born in sin, so sin is always easy even with this surgery... It is not easy. not even years out to follow the rules,  THere are alot of issues that come up health wise and yes it is a trade off and yes starting and keeping those Good sin free habits is HARD!  LOL It is easy to be a sinner, espically if it takes alot to Dump.  The thing is the rules never go away with this Tool and if you stray it is hard to get your body back.  I don't do protein drinks cause my Doctor said you have to learn to Eat!  And it doesn't cut it if you have low sugar also.   It is hard to eat several small meals at a front line to the public employee, I am a Teller and on the weekends a waitress...so who has time or is even allowed to eat real food while serving people.    No it isn't easy...but life isn't and no one promised it would be.  Would I do this all again....Hmmm.....yep, but years earlier and I would never had allowed carbs back in my door!  AND I would follow the rules!!!  Take GOOD Vitamins,not a childs.


Beginning weight: 284  
Surgery weight: 251
Current weight: 149


on 5/22/12 9:23 am
Thankfully you are addressing these issues.  Major complications can come from not taking your vitamins.

on 5/22/12 10:41 am - Austintown, OH
I am five years this July.  I have had iron infusions and they are just wonderful.  I have had two sets.  I have one for three consecutive weeks one session a year for two years.  I was so so exhausted before getting these.  Yes, I still take my vitamins.  Yes, I have trouble with low blood sugar tool. Sometimes it is scary because I feel like I am going to faint.  But I am doing things that I counld have never been able to do.  I am walking, working, running. sleeping better. and am happy to be smaller.  Yes, I am fighting to keep my orginal losing weight.  But we will always have to work on this. We have the our tool, our pouch.  Lightheadedness is a problem too. I am triying to eat more protein.  I usually have to get iron infusions because my stomach can not tolerate the iron tablets.  Hang in there.
on 5/22/12 12:40 pm
Eating is so not a sin.
Kay L.
on 5/23/12 12:26 am - N., AL
All that she wrote and poured her heart out, basically to warn others who are either pre-op or early post-op, and that is what you found to nitpick?

No, eating is NOT a sin, but picking up bad eating habits CAN be a sin against the type of WLS you had.

Really, I've seen some of your posts, and you can be, well, a real hag sometimes. Lighten up.
on 5/23/12 4:36 am
It is so true about this lady MsButt
on 5/22/12 3:48 pm - Las Vegas, NV
 i have  had infusions every two months for the last 2 years.My ferritin level was at 2 and i couldnt bring it up with supplements so i was sent for infusions. they are great. they keep my levels maintained and feel good. i also give myself b12shots every month. not the most favorite of things to do but keeps my energy up. if you have the option for an infusion, do it. they help.
(deactivated member)
on 5/22/12 9:44 pm, edited 5/22/12 9:52 pm
 I get great  results (  I am about 4 years post )  from  taking "different" forms of oral   iron supplements whenever I can get them . Ferro-Sequels is  the most commonly found example and they can often be found in ordinary drugstores like Rite Aid and CVS .

The one iron form I've been told  we can't absorb well post op is elemental   iron ...  which is (constipating ) and the only active ingredient  in most iron pills .

 Therefore the absorption issue .  

I have had perfect iron levels since surgery  taking  Ferro-Sequels  and a host of other "funky iron" oral  supplements . I take them VERY occasionally ...never every day or even every week .   They seem to be absorbed very well (  and incidentally I am an almost -vegetarian and eat virtually no red meat  .

My energy levels  are still ( thank God ) sky high and my health level ( according to my surgeon ) is flagrantly  RUDE ! LOVE that choice of word lol !   
Kay L.
on 5/23/12 12:29 am - N., AL
Thanks for posting this. It's helpful for new people to read the experiences of "veterans." I have found it has helped me as a veteran to talk about my experiences here. Hope you do well getting back on track. I personally feel you've done really well to just be at 160 at 5 years out. But getting a handle on it will keep you from being at 200 at 6 years out.
on 5/23/12 12:32 pm - NY
I've had 2 tranfusions ..one week apart...3 months ago. I go back on June 11th to check iron levels again. I am so glad that I had it done. I was not absorbing iron pills. I feel so much better. Within a week I felt a big difference. It is still very important to continue taking your vitamins though..even if you feel good...vitamins should be a part of your daily routine. Hope you feel better soon :)  By the way..my surgery was almost 4 years ago...