on 3/26/12 6:19 am - Canada
RNY on 03/29/12
 i think my main concern is stop my surgery which is shedule in 3 days and then conviencing my doctor which is in guelph, ON to refer me to the doctor in hamilton, ON who only does the DS 3 a year so then i will be put on a waiting list because i cant pay for it its free through OHIP in canada then what it my insulin resitance turns to diabetes and it or i get worser, it took me 3 years to get to the point of having my surgery scheduled one year passed because they actually lost my paper work, lol it would of been 2 years and they do this surgery 4 times a month so if they do the DS on approval 3 times a year how long will i have to wait then ,lol i do see where the DS can be benifical but would you not agree that WLS in general is a tool that helps you lose wieght and if you properly follow the orders by your doctor that they all can be succesful, granted there are some RNY that fail and even fail gravely but those are risks but some work great same as DS some are as yours was succesful but there are some that cause problems too. 
* Nicole *
on 3/26/12 6:31 am
Not everyone's body responds the same to surgeries I know that. My body will do whatever it takes to override anything I do. The RNY would have failed me, no matter how hard I worked my "tool". But I have known more people with problems from the RNY than the DS. I'll be honest, I tried diets I did everything I could with weight loss in mind I was a super active and darned good athelete even while fat. I was sick and tired of having to work so hard to maintain, I didn't want to stuggle any longer. I wanted to put that energy into the things I loved. Also with the RNY I can not have any artificial sweeteners, whey and soy protien makes me sick. My only choice was to find something that allowed a good diet. Now its steak, chicken, salads, dressing, gravy, moderation on carbs. I love my life, love my DS and love that my energy goes into the hobbies I love so much. Instead of trying to maintain my weight just so I could even do thoes hobbies.

Only you can make the decision on what you want to do. Just think many times over and cut once. Waiting isnt the worst thing that could happen.

DS Aug 15th,2005 @ goal, living life and loving it.

"An Arabian will take care of its owner as no other horse will, for it has not only been raised to physical perfection, but has been instilled with a spirit of loyalty unparalleled by that of any other breed."

on 3/26/12 6:45 am - Canada
RNY on 03/29/12
 yes very true and trust me i am weighing my options i have one last ditch effort and thats calling montreal tomorrow they do the DS there another member gave me address and numbers , also do you have to take more vitamens then the RNY how long do you have to stay in the hospital and is it done laproscopic
* Nicole *
on 3/26/12 11:50 am
Well we are finding that RNY & DS,need a good vitamin regimine. Vitalady ( shows a good regamine for each surgery. Both take on average the same amount just of different vitamins. Vit B is usually more a problem for RNY, like Vit A is a problem for the DS. Vit D is troublesome to both.

Hospital stay is roughly the same length as a RNY. I was in for 3 days.

As for laproscopic that depends on the surgeon. The healing time is the same for lap or open procedures only difference is multiple little scars compared to one larger one.

DS Aug 15th,2005 @ goal, living life and loving it.

"An Arabian will take care of its owner as no other horse will, for it has not only been raised to physical perfection, but has been instilled with a spirit of loyalty unparalleled by that of any other breed."

(deactivated member)
on 3/26/12 10:36 pm - Bumfuknowhere, Canada
Calling Montreal direct won't do you any good if you need OHIP to pay for it.  You need to go through the registry regardless of surgery type and they will only send you to Montreal if you are a case that cannot be handled by the surgeons in Ontario.  You have a virgin stomach so likely would never get approval to go out of province.  If you want the DS paid for by OHIP then you need to cancel your RNY surgery this week and ask to be seen in Hamilton for a 2nd opinion as they are the only ones doing virgin DS in the province in one step.
Karen M.
on 3/26/12 11:37 pm - Mississauga, Canada
Is it me or is this one of the most scary posts you've read?  My goodness.



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on 3/27/12 12:03 am - Canada
RNY on 03/29/12
 not really just more confussing then scary, lol
Karen M.
on 3/27/12 12:07 am - Mississauga, Canada
Hmmm... nope, pretty scary.  You're about to have life-changing surgery.



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on 3/27/12 12:01 am - Canada
RNY on 03/29/12
I did speak to the nurse of Dr. Dennis Hong and she told not wanting to sway my decession but she told me to really take a look at the surgery as it is the same as the RNY just a little more complicated
theres more malobsortion then the RNY and you have to be more ready to be on your game with the DS surgery , believe me i am on my game but if it was for my insulin resitantance i wouldn't even have the weight loss surgery i have always been active but the last 4 years i went from 220 to 303 my highest ever and now down to 280 with the 2 week pre-op optifast diet , my doctors and endocronologist told me that the WLS would be something i should consider because my insulin resistance will eventually lead to diabetes and i seen my grandfather and my mother fall to the disease my grandfather heart attack at 55, he had an enlarged heart ,my mother 42 she was in an automobile accident that may have been due to her newly diagnosed disease diabetes they reported she must have nodded in and out at the wheel because she crossed the center line with brake marks she must of woke up at impact too late. i believe i could do really well with RNY i do read about after years 6 or 7 mostly people begin to gain there weight back and most of the time is because they lose track of there food intake and then the others that are still watching there diet will gain at least 50 back but i believe that as long as i am healthy and active if i were to gain 50 back i will still be stayisfied i am not vain all the stories i read people are mentally exhausting themselves over 5, 10, 20 extra pounds , reality is we were meant to rearrange our insides but as humans we learn to adapt , we learn to survive through failure. sorry was getting a little deep lol any how i was never a big guy i never ate HUGE amounts of food, i just ate the wrong foods, nowthat i have this insulin resitance its been harder losing the weight because no matter how little i eat my insulin is not being broken down for energy but is being stored as fat in my waist the rest of me is mucsle would figure lol genetics, lol thats why choosing WLS so hard because i never grew up on the recieving end of obesity with all the struggles i am try to avoid ecessive weight issues and major health problems if thats even possible we all die from something one way or another i just would like to improve my quality of life for myself and my daughter, now i have to step up to the plate and teach her about how important her health is with out ruining her mentally and physically like some parents do by over informing and over protecting. anyway thankyou for your support i really think i will stick with the RNY the DS in my opinion is mor work
then i would like to challange myself to i wish i could just diet and exercise and that be it but truth is because its a gentic disorder that would only work for so long then when diabetes would kick in i would be back at square one asking for WLS. again thank you so much for yours and everyones support i must sound like im whinning, lol probably because i am, lol 

Karen M.
on 3/27/12 12:09 am, edited 3/27/12 12:10 am - Mississauga, Canada
I too was insulin resistant, borderline diabetic when I had surgery. Resolved, thankfully.

P.S. I'm 6 years out from RNY, bounce up and down 10 pounds or so, not 50. LOL



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