Citizen Kim
on 3/25/12 4:29 am - Castle Rock, CO
I am 8 years post RNY and was diagnosed with type II diabetes last year, despite being a normal weight, exercising faithfully and looking after myself.   Sometimes it's just a case of genetics!!!

Proud Feminist, Atheist, LGBT friend, and Democratic Socialist

on 3/25/12 4:41 am - Canada
RNY on 03/29/12
 Do you have insulin resitance ? how old are you ? did you have diabetes before surgery ? 
Citizen Kim
on 3/25/12 7:39 am, edited 3/24/12 7:57 pm - Castle Rock, CO
Yes, currently somewhat controlled by 1500mg metformin per day); 49 (gulp!) and I had gestational diabetes, not well controlled by insulin, when I was 40 - a year before surgery.

I have 3 type I diabetics and 3 type II diabetics in my family (besides me).

I believe (no research to back this up) that RNY may put you into remission but I do NOT believe it is a cure (obviously not for me!) The DS seems to have a much better record ...

Proud Feminist, Atheist, LGBT friend, and Democratic Socialist

on 3/25/12 7:58 am - Canada
RNY on 03/29/12
 can i get the DS here in Onatrio canada ? i am on ODSP will OHIP pay for it ? people say agrue the reasons why you would prefer DS over RNY , would that work ?, lol  i am biting my nails here, lol if i cant get DS do you thing RNY is second best ?
He who can't be Named
on 3/25/12 8:23 am
There are others from Ontario that OHIP paid for their DS. They traveled - totally worth it.

Being pre-diabetic (insulin resistant) and the history of your parents, I wouldn't accept anything other than the DS. 

Rny is definitely second best, and particularly in areas that count for you. The DSers also have wonderful cholesterol levels, which may also be important with the heart disease in your family. 

You owe it to yourself and your daughter to fight if necessary for the best, which is the DS.

Some times dingle berries are the lowest hanging fruit.  
on 3/25/12 8:57 am - Canada
RNY on 03/29/12
 Traveled in canada ?, i am not allowed back to the states unregretably so i may be stuck with the RNY
Karen M.
on 3/26/12 11:32 pm - Mississauga, Canada
Yes, you can get the DS - IF you qualify.  You need to contact the registry and get an appointment to see Dr. Hong in Hamilton.



Ontario Recipes Forum -

on 3/25/12 4:55 am - IN

I just read your article and have many comments. The USA is rich with everything,especially as we all know,FOOD! I am A LPN OF 23+ YRS.I have been a morbidly obese perso of 48 yrs. or so. I was normal wt. until the age of 4-5. I was rewarded with candy /food as a child from my mother. God rest her soul.I still love you Momma! That was the way thigs were done back then in my family with me.Of course if I do say so myself,I was a cute KID! And the fatter I got,the cuter everyone thought it was. NOT! I also have obesity,diabetes,heart disease,ALS disease in my family,Cancers, and myself fibromyalgia with Multiple well as disc problems and etc.I am only 52 years old.I had VBG-vertical gastric banding done Dec.6,2000.It was one of the happiest day's of my life.I was scared,but not too much.I had all the testing done and passed.I have had a few surgeries in my past and this was going to be one of the least worrisome of all.It was either LIVE, or die. I was miserable my entire life.All the bullying I had as a child,plus I have a sibling who has never been very nice to me d/t my weight.What the heck.If I did't have the surgery,I was going to die anyway.Heart disease,stroke,cancer,COPD,CHF???? And I am sure a diabetic.
As I said,I had the surgery............very successful.I weighed 203pds. that day.I eventually was dow to a size 10-12,small-med-lg. tops.Wore tight jeans,fitted tops,no more fat rolls,no gut.I walked everywhere I could when possible.I could walk into a store and buy clothes off the rack!!!!!!!!!!! This time if they didn't fit it was because they were too big! I even had gotten down to the point of being able to get into straight leg pants,knee boots,halter tops,sun dresses.And a size 10 LEVI's jeans.I loved clothes,shoes,purses,everythig.I loved walking,riding my bike with my husband on the weekends 22 miles,walking the dog.I had greatly improved health,self confidence,self image.I lost alot of friends...........But I gained some new ones as well. It is now 11 yrs. later.I have re-gained 40 pds.I hate myself for it and at times become very depressed.I do blame myself and no-one else for the regainiing of the wt. I have notified my dr. for a revision. I would like to have it done,but I am hoping and praying I can get through the next yr. with focus on myself and reprogram my brain to lose the wt. I have gained. One of my surgeons nurses said I was being too hard on myself d/t being female,having an auto-immune disease and ennnvironmental cir****tances changes, as well as now disabled. DO NOT DO AS I DID!
Take the surgery and run with it.Have a good support system.Remember,this is for you!So you can live and see the tomorrows.Trust me,you will have a new life.You will be a new person.All the new surgeries they have now are tools for us to use and live by.To get our lives together.Some times we have set's called life.But........we can do it. It's a mind over matter issue as well as hereditary,sedentary lifestyles, well as wrong food choices.No exercise.We are a wealthy country as I said before with food,as well as lazy,wasteful.Just think how grand the USA would be if we would all get control of all of the issues we have in addition to being Morbidly obese! That was a little out of concept with the subject of the surgery,but I am leaving it in there. I got my behind up as soon as I could get  out of the hospital bed and walked,walked,walked.The sooner u get out of recovery and they allow u to walk,get up every hr. if @ all possible.It will get blood flowing,fluids circulating,be very good for prevention of pneumonia.I refuse to say tha I failed.I have had life changes that again,I have let get out of control.However,I am not so far gone I don't think,that with alot of self-determination,support and exercise,back to the proper food choices,which I have done well with but gonne overboard on occassion,not daily as before, I will shed this 40#'s. I had NO COMPLICATIONS by the way.Any surgery has complications.Tooth extractions can have many complications.You will be fine.I'll keep you in mind.Say your prayers and have the faith!YOU CAN DO THIS! God Bless you and Good Luck!
on 3/25/12 4:58 am - IN
The above article is mine,sorry so long.I re-read it @ this time,I weighed 302 pds's the day I had the VBG,and got down to 146 maintaining155-160 for 9 yrs. :>) 
Valerie G.
on 3/25/12 5:27 am - Northwest Mountains, GA
I know that those in Ontario are able to get the DS, in Michigan and OHIP is paying for it.  The DS has a 98% cure rate (not temporary reduction) for Type 2 diabetes.  It's working so well that they are doing just the intestinal part on non-obese patients to treat this disease.  It's not yet approved for the this side of the pond, but the DS is, and it works!  Go to

DS 2005

There is room on this earth for all of God's creatures..
next to the mashed potatoes

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