. again years after endometrial ablation

on 3/16/12 1:00 pm - AR
BOYS, this is a girly post.  if u read further, dont complain.  consider yourself warned.

ok, i just have to complain for a minute.

i knew, years ago, when i got my endometrial ablation that over 70% of women eventually DO have a period of SOME sort again (although it's much much lighter).

well, in the last 2 months, mine has finally come back.  it IS much lighter (seriously, hardly even enough to wear anything) but that almost makes it worse.  i have all the old symptoms of a bad period: bloating, irritabiltiy, achey hip joints, stomach upset, backache and cramps but hardly ANY actual flow (seriously i could wear one of those "light days" or "junior" tampons all day or all night long and not fill it halfway up. 

as if having a period again doesnt SUPER suck by itself, i find i am now about 3 pounds heavier than i was before i started having periods again.  and im not talking about just during that time of the month (when im about 5 pounds heavier than i was before) - i mean 3 pounds heavier in general, as in all the time. 

thats VERY frustrating to me because i still journal EVERYTHING i eat and drink so im absolutely POSITIVE that its not a "real" gain... but it is because its not cyclical - its here all month long! 

now by NO means is this something im freaking out over - even at 136 pounds im still well within my ideal body weight.  but i notice my size 4s are snugger than they used to be.  i also look puffier in my neck area than i used to be - in fact it looks downright swollen sometimes (although i have also been feeling a little sick lately - but i think thats mostly allergies and sinuses, but still).

im just pissed im at 136 pounds and a snug 4 when i used to be at about 133 and a fit-fine 4.  i know that may seem stupid to yall, but my original "panic" weight was 130 - that # i set for myself where "if u get above 130, u better adjust something" u know?  but at about 3 years out, my body had finished compensating for my malabsorption and i went to 132-133.  (im positive it was compensation for malabsobtion since as i said previously, i log every single morsel that goes into my body, whether it be solid or fluid including water, so i know i didnt just start eating a little more.)  and THAT was a hard thing to accept (going over the 130 pounds that is).  but since i did log everything and knew it was not anything that i had done, i decreased my calories by 100 per day to keep from gaining more and leveled out again.  gain stopped at about 132 - 133.  i readjusted my "if u get above 130, u better adjust something" to " if u get above 135, u better adjust something". 

then suddenly about 2 months ago, my period comes back and im instantly up 3 pounds.  thats hard to accept.  and that sucks.  im not doing anything about it now.  im just in a holding pattern to wait and see what happens.

i just wanted to gripe about it.

sorry for the grammer/syntax in this post.  im tired.

miss y'all

on 3/17/12 12:39 am - AR
and ANOTHER thing

since THE RETURN i am now constipated almost constantly and have to take colace every single day which BLOWS

just sayin...
on 3/17/12 6:08 am - Ontario, Canada
VSG on 08/28/12
 i had an ablation almost 4 years ago and basically got my period back after just 2 months so I would have been thrilled to have gotten even a year without it...i hear you on the bloating and the horrible cramps and other wonderful side effects though 

Does it help you to drink more water during that time b/c i know it helps me?

Vicky - SW = 299   CW = 138

on 3/17/12 8:35 am - AR
i drink about 120 - 150 ounces of fluid a day... so not only would it not help to get in more, since i have low blood pressure, i have actually been advised not to drink as much as i do
on 3/17/12 6:52 am
VSG on 04/17/12 with

I feel ya girl.... I had ablation x2 2 yrs apart - both times it came back with all systoms!!!
i might be a slow learner, but I did learn cuz I had a hysterctomy last yr instead of a 3rd round!!! 

Wake up every morning with the thought that something WONDERFUL is gonna happen!!! 
on 3/17/12 8:35 am - AR
i dont think im headed that route (its not THAT bad)

im just irritated about it