Woohoo...now PANIC!!!!

g S.
on 2/2/12 1:36 am
RNY on 03/14/12
 Ok...so I got my surgery date,March 14th, provided I get the final ok from the surgeon on March 8th. I started considering WLS  8 yrs. ago and have worked towards it for the past 5 yrs, and NOW it's finally here!! I never thought I'd feel like this but now I am scared to death!!! As sick as it is, this body has been a hiding place for me for so long I have no idea what to expect when it's gone. I am more than ready to move on and be free of this physical prison, but wow the reality has slapped me with some serious fear. Fear of the unknown, fear of redefining myself, fear of failure. How ever do I put those thoughts to rest and please tell me I am not the only one~

on 2/2/12 1:59 am
I have no date yet but I am sure others will have great ideas to help you. I just wanted to say Congrats!!!

Did the happy dance onto the Loser's Bench March 18, 2013!

Visit my blog at http://skinnyundermyfat.blogspot.com/

on 2/2/12 3:02 am
 Fear is just a natural reaction to the unknown.  Any surgery will have some fear involved in it.

I was well prepared for my surgery, had gone to every support group meeting, well beyond what was required by my insurance, just to make sure I was ready. I'd asked every question 3xs!!  I'd had my mother and daughter go to the meetings with me to make sure my family was ready and had any questions or concerns answered.  Then the day of my surgery.....I sat in that hospital bed thinking... oh my, am I really doing this?  I was scared!!!  It's normal! :)   I am two 1/2 years out now, and am so much the better for going through with it.  I have no health problems, and I would do it again in a heartbeat. 

I continued to go to the support group meetings for a year beyond my surgery for the continued assurance that I could do this, and do it well.  I suggest doing any support meetings you have available to you, as the people who have been through it will be a font of information, and will most likely have gone through the same feelings you are having. Make sure you are well informed, and know that the fear is very normal. :D   Good luck!! :D
MyLady Heidi
on 2/2/12 3:09 am
Fear of failure is real, fear of the unknown is natural, and fear of a new you is well exciting.  You are gonna be a new you, and you get to pick who she is, what she wears, what she does and doesn't do and nothing will limit you.  Enjoy it's fun!
on 2/2/12 3:30 am - ALPHARETTA, GA
VSG on 02/23/12
 You are not alone! My surgery Date is 2/23/12 and thats exactly how I feel...But I am ready I know being concerned is only part of the process even though a lot of my free time has been spent on research,reviews,and videos about WLS I find myself still searching for more and more info.Im sure you will be fine.

on 2/2/12 11:36 am
I KNOW you're excited!!!

But I gotta ask---have you considered the DS, rather than the RNY I see you have listed? I don't think your surgeon does the DS, so he may not have given you complete, accurate info about it.

I'm not trying to be all up in your business here, but I loooked at your profile and saw that you have a BMI of 70. You REALLY need to research the DS---not only does the DS have the very best long-term, maintained weight-loss stats for patients of any size, it's especially true for those of us with a BMI greater than 50. And it's also the very best at resolving or preventing things like diabetes and high cholesterol.

It's natural to be afraid. No matter which form of WLS you choose, it's going to change your life in dramatic and unexpected ways. Just do your best to know as much as you can befor you go under the knife. I suggest you visit all the surgical boards and see how people are living 3+ years AFTER surgery. Check out the Revision board, too---it's as important to know the bad as the good.

You can find a lot of folks 3+ years out, of all surgery types, at the link in my signature.

on 2/2/12 4:48 pm
The fear is totally normal- it is major surgery that permanently rearranges your insides.

I was scared silly going into my surgery, and I had regrets during the first month.

Now I would do my RNY again in a heartbeat- I am that glad I did it. I am also glad I did specifically the RNY because it is less extensive than the DS. I would have liked to have the VSG but my insurance wouldn't pay for it.

Do your research carefully and thoroughly. And you might want to consider some good therapy to help with the mental part of it. My sense of myself is entirely different now that I am thin- it is a bit scary at times, but mostly it's wonderful. I will do anything I can to stay this way- and it is a lot of hard work. WLS requires a huge lifestyle change.

Good luck, and I wish you courage!

"What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the master calls the butterfly." Richard Bach

"Support fosters your growth. If you are getting enough of the right support, you will experience a major transformation in yourself. You will discover a sense of empowerment and peace you have never before experienced. You will come to believe you can overcome your challenges and find some joy in this world." Katie Jay

on 2/2/12 9:34 pm - Jacksonville, FL
Revision on 12/08/15
I was the same way! Leading  up to my "approval," I was so confident, so full of happiness. Then I got my date and I started to panic. I have long had a problem with emotional eating, and I started to fear what it would be like to have to think of food in a different way, not to mention shedding my "protective layer" once I started losing weight! I have been working with a therapist, and she has been so instrumental in helping me, it's unreal.

Also, the night before surgery I got myself so worked up I barely slept, and after it was all said and done, I laughed at myself for feeling that way. But this is all completely normal, trust me!

I can do this...I know I can. It's just going to take time & patience.

"Never give up on a dream just because of the length of time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass anyway."
