
Laurie T.
on 1/4/12 2:41 am - MA
Hey all, Just wanted to update from my post the other day, I am having some complications now.  Not major ones, but I ended up in the ER last night for seven hours due to dehydration, because it's so hard for me to get the liquids down. I try I really do.  So I almost passed out in walmart, and when I went to the ER they said if I had waited to come in, I would have passed out. They put 4000 ml of saline in me, and made me drink two large cups of juice. It was hell.

Today, not to be gross but I am having some bowel movement problems, haven't had one since last Monday, and I am extremely constipated. Took stool softener, and will get milk of magnesia in a bit. I called my doctor and I am waiting on a call back from him. I have been miserable since I came home from the hospital.

I know it will get better, and be worth it, it just REALLY sucks now dealing with. =/

Thanks for listening-
RNY 12/30/11
On the other side of fear lies freedom.

on 1/4/12 2:47 am
You have 24 hours in a day to get in 64 oz of water.  You need to carry a bottle with you at all times...Get some G2 and drink that also...that will replace the saline and electrolytes.  Set your alarm for a few times a night if you need to and have a drink next to your bed. 

I would use Dulcolax since you are so early out...its more gentle than MOM. Remember, you haven't really ate much since surgery..so there isn't a lot to come out, but the Dulcolax will help get things moving again.

Congrats on your surgery...ask lots of questions..everyone is here to help



"The first thing I do in the morning is brush my teeth and sharpen my tongue." --- Dorothy Parker  

"You may not like what I say or how I say it, but it may be just exactly what you need to hear." ---Kathryn White



Laurie T.
on 1/4/12 5:44 am - MA
yes, I am getting more fluid in today. Thank God. Thanks! 
On the other side of fear lies freedom.

on 1/4/12 3:10 am - Tacoma, WA
For me it's Mio in my water and I used Gasx strips and in 2 days I was poopin! And very happy!
Laurie T.
on 1/4/12 5:42 am - MA
I used to love Mio but haven't bought it in a while. I got Beano and a stool softener and milk of magnesia
On the other side of fear lies freedom.

on 1/4/12 3:50 am - Moorhead, MN
 Hope things get better for you soon, Laurie.

 “Victory is won not in miles but in inches. Win a little now, hold your ground, and later, win a little more.?   Louis L'Amour quote  

Laurie T.
on 1/4/12 5:39 am - MA
Thanks Matt! How are you feeling since you got home? Hope the kids are letting you rest.
On the other side of fear lies freedom.

on 1/4/12 11:31 am - Moorhead, MN
Kinda having a little issues sleeping at night, a few hours here and there.  Its not that im uncomfortable I think its just insomnia, my mind wont shut off.  Going to see my doc, Friday hopefully he will hook me up with something for my sleeping.  Thanks for asking. 

 “Victory is won not in miles but in inches. Win a little now, hold your ground, and later, win a little more.?   Louis L'Amour quote  

Laurie T.
on 1/4/12 12:01 pm - MA
Yeah, good sleep is really key. And no problem! =]
On the other side of fear lies freedom.

on 1/4/12 6:08 am - Nashville, TN
Revision on 03/18/15
Just to clarify these are bumps in the road,not really complications. complications ae things like strictures and leaks.

Thank goodness you AREN"T having any complications,just bumps in the road,they will pass and usually quickly.
Keep a bottle of something in your hand sipping ALL THE TIME,let me say that again,ALLLLLLL the time.

also,you need to take something RGULARLY for your bowels now,maybe forever. Many take Miralax with good results but you have to take something usually every day.

GL h



