What happened to DianaCox?
I think we should just start a bring back Diana march .... add it to all our signatures, i think to kick someone out that does more good and harm is a SAD day for OH ... Sure not everyone likes her approach but thats why she is unique are we not supposed to be our selves??
let is all speak and let OH know that we all want Dianna back because her information and skills are very much needed here like her or hate her she does a job like no other...
People are never going to get along that is how the world works, even on a wls forum... But if every comunity was able to delete people just because we didnt like what they had to say we would soon have a unstable place to live... Is this not what our soliders fight for every day?? our freedom of speech???
OH i think you made a BIG mistake and need to FIX it.... so the many new people who come looking for help not only to pick a surgery but when they get denied insurance have one of the best people available to help them do that.
Linda 5".4

6lbs under goal weight
Join US On The VSG Maintenance Group Forum!!

6lbs under goal weight
Join US On The VSG Maintenance Group Forum!!
I'm going to repost what I said in another thread, since this is definitely bull**** Diana didn't leave on her own, oh no. She wouldn't do that.
This site has become a farce. People who give solid, valid advice get banned, while people who spam off-topic nonsense are allowed to tra-la-la their way through thread after thread, essentially offering nothing but vacuous posts which do nothing to help the community.
No, instead we have a site where negative reviews of doctors are pulled, but OH denies it.
We have a site where people are allowed to spam up slow but necessary boards (like the revision board) with post after post of religious crap.
We have a site where people who try to get things changed for the better get thrown out.
We have a site where misinformation about some surgical types are perpetuated by the management.
We have a site where the moderators don't represent the community as a whole, and as such play favorites.
As more and more people migrate over to the social networking sites, boards like this will continue to decline in popularity. Board code is ancient and weak, the advertising slows it down considerably because it isn't inserted/coded correctly, and it is apparent that no one is watching the back door. My virus filters are always sounding alarms when I visit OH.
I'm finding it harder and harder to justify coming back to this place. I've been a member since 02, and I was extremely grateful for the help I received when I needed to research revision choices. Too bad more people won't be able to receive helpful information, as more veteran member migrate away due to the way this board is run.
I know OH doesn't give a rat's ass, because if they did, these problems wouldn't exist. What's especially hilarious is that there's so much ridiculous behind-the-scenes backbiting going on. Come on, OH PTB, do you really think you're that important? It's like Sayre's law: "In any dispute the intensity of feeling is inversely proportional to the value of the issues at stake." Get over yourselves, start listening to the real membership, and perhaps your revenue-generating hits would go up.
This site has become a farce. People who give solid, valid advice get banned, while people who spam off-topic nonsense are allowed to tra-la-la their way through thread after thread, essentially offering nothing but vacuous posts which do nothing to help the community.
No, instead we have a site where negative reviews of doctors are pulled, but OH denies it.
We have a site where people are allowed to spam up slow but necessary boards (like the revision board) with post after post of religious crap.
We have a site where people who try to get things changed for the better get thrown out.
We have a site where misinformation about some surgical types are perpetuated by the management.
We have a site where the moderators don't represent the community as a whole, and as such play favorites.
As more and more people migrate over to the social networking sites, boards like this will continue to decline in popularity. Board code is ancient and weak, the advertising slows it down considerably because it isn't inserted/coded correctly, and it is apparent that no one is watching the back door. My virus filters are always sounding alarms when I visit OH.
I'm finding it harder and harder to justify coming back to this place. I've been a member since 02, and I was extremely grateful for the help I received when I needed to research revision choices. Too bad more people won't be able to receive helpful information, as more veteran member migrate away due to the way this board is run.
I know OH doesn't give a rat's ass, because if they did, these problems wouldn't exist. What's especially hilarious is that there's so much ridiculous behind-the-scenes backbiting going on. Come on, OH PTB, do you really think you're that important? It's like Sayre's law: "In any dispute the intensity of feeling is inversely proportional to the value of the issues at stake." Get over yourselves, start listening to the real membership, and perhaps your revenue-generating hits would go up.
(deactivated member)
on 12/15/11 11:48 pm
on 12/15/11 11:48 pm
Diana didn't leave on her own, oh no. She wouldn't do that.
And isn't that the damn truth! She did not leave and she was not kicked out for the tone or content of any post she made anywhere on OH.
When someone is banned from a place because of something that is posted on a totally different, totally non-connected private site, it is freaking outrageous.
Diana was not banned for anything covered by TOS, she was banned for asking questions about OH policy and procedure on a private fb page.
OH members, think about it, something you say on another site, anywhere, to anyone could likely get you banned and threat end by the PTB at OH. Does that in anyway make you feel secure? Respected? Valued?
Yeah, I didn't think so. Be careful what you commit to print anywhere, Big Brother OH is reading, even in closed and private groups.
This is an all time new low for OH and one they need to remedy immediately. They need to make an public apology to Diana and put it on a sticky to remind themselves that people who violate the privacy of other groups and communications often end up with more problems than they ever imagined.
And isn't that the damn truth! She did not leave and she was not kicked out for the tone or content of any post she made anywhere on OH.
When someone is banned from a place because of something that is posted on a totally different, totally non-connected private site, it is freaking outrageous.
Diana was not banned for anything covered by TOS, she was banned for asking questions about OH policy and procedure on a private fb page.
OH members, think about it, something you say on another site, anywhere, to anyone could likely get you banned and threat end by the PTB at OH. Does that in anyway make you feel secure? Respected? Valued?
Yeah, I didn't think so. Be careful what you commit to print anywhere, Big Brother OH is reading, even in closed and private groups.
This is an all time new low for OH and one they need to remedy immediately. They need to make an public apology to Diana and put it on a sticky to remind themselves that people who violate the privacy of other groups and communications often end up with more problems than they ever imagined.
On December 16, 2011 at 7:57 AM Pacific Time, clpeltz wrote:
Is this a DS facebook page that I could join? Anyplace Diana is is where I want to be 

Or click on my name
DS SW 265 CW 120 5'7"
(deactivated member)
on 12/16/11 1:54 am - Califreakinfornia , CA
on 12/16/11 1:54 am - Califreakinfornia , CA
On December 16, 2011 at 7:48 AM Pacific Time, finigan wrote:
Diana didn't leave on her own, oh no. She wouldn't do that. And isn't that the damn truth! She did not leave and she was not kicked out for the tone or content of any post she made anywhere on OH.
When someone is banned from a place because of something that is posted on a totally different, totally non-connected private site, it is freaking outrageous.
Diana was not banned for anything covered by TOS, she was banned for asking questions about OH policy and procedure on a private fb page.
OH members, think about it, something you say on another site, anywhere, to anyone could likely get you banned and threat end by the PTB at OH. Does that in anyway make you feel secure? Respected? Valued?
Yeah, I didn't think so. Be careful what you commit to print anywhere, Big Brother OH is reading, even in closed and private groups.
This is an all time new low for OH and one they need to remedy immediately. They need to make an public apology to Diana and put it on a sticky to remind themselves that people who violate the privacy of other groups and communications often end up with more problems than they ever imagined.
If these "alleged" unfortunate incidents of personal attacks, allegations and discussions within threads that "allegedly" occurred off of OH, then how do they justify their deactivation of
"certain individuals" after certain individuals accounts were reinstated in good standing due to that certain individual agreeing and demonstrating her understanding of the TOS by having OH Moderators review and subsequently approve all her submissions prior to her reinstatement back into the OH community over a week ago ?

(deactivated member)
on 12/16/11 2:58 am, edited 12/16/11 2:59 am
on 12/16/11 2:58 am, edited 12/16/11 2:59 am
I'm going to switch to the language of common sense here because I am pretty sure the mods don't speak or understand it and we should be free to discuss this right under their noses.
Let's look at what they said "...There have been unfortunate incidents of personal attacks, allegations and discussions within threads"'
Okay, so when did these alleged events take place? Recently Diana was put on moderation and threatened with banning for arguing with a poster. If memory serves one of the people she exchanged comments with was an OH moderator ( a moderator who called OH members drama queens, crazy and suggested they grow up, of course she said this on the fb page of an OH member so I suppose I shouldn't hold that against her should I?), At any rate after this exchange Diana was moderated and warned. Time passed, they kept a sharp eye on her posts lest her acerbic tongue degrade all of OHdom.
After sufficient time passed they allowed her to once again grace these pages albeit with the ever hovering threat of permanent banishment hanging over her head and she again posted.
But - if they had not already been summarily removed you could view those posts and realize that after her period in the time out chair and her clearance to resume posting she posted not one word that was in violation of the TOS.
So, speaking common sense still, when the hell did she violate TOS to the point that she was banned? She was moderated, threatened, learned her lesson and was behaving cir****pectly in all her posts, so why the hell was she banned after the fact? Why did the mods, who had lifted their sanctions when she showed she was following the TOS as laid down by them, come in yesterday and ban her?
That is compelling evidence that even though they are trying to make it about something she posted here you know that it is not. They warned her, she complied, they let her resume normal posting and then after a week of more of posting NOTHING on OH that violated TOS they then decided that she should be banned and further claim that she should be banned for something she said here?
How stupid do these moderators think any of us are? How insulting are they willing to be about our intellect and understanding in order to foster their own agenda? Their efforts at obfuscation are rendering them increasingly transparent in the eyes of OH members.
Kay, common sense speak , come on in mods, nothing happening in this post...
Let's look at what they said "...There have been unfortunate incidents of personal attacks, allegations and discussions within threads"'
Okay, so when did these alleged events take place? Recently Diana was put on moderation and threatened with banning for arguing with a poster. If memory serves one of the people she exchanged comments with was an OH moderator ( a moderator who called OH members drama queens, crazy and suggested they grow up, of course she said this on the fb page of an OH member so I suppose I shouldn't hold that against her should I?), At any rate after this exchange Diana was moderated and warned. Time passed, they kept a sharp eye on her posts lest her acerbic tongue degrade all of OHdom.
After sufficient time passed they allowed her to once again grace these pages albeit with the ever hovering threat of permanent banishment hanging over her head and she again posted.
But - if they had not already been summarily removed you could view those posts and realize that after her period in the time out chair and her clearance to resume posting she posted not one word that was in violation of the TOS.
So, speaking common sense still, when the hell did she violate TOS to the point that she was banned? She was moderated, threatened, learned her lesson and was behaving cir****pectly in all her posts, so why the hell was she banned after the fact? Why did the mods, who had lifted their sanctions when she showed she was following the TOS as laid down by them, come in yesterday and ban her?
That is compelling evidence that even though they are trying to make it about something she posted here you know that it is not. They warned her, she complied, they let her resume normal posting and then after a week of more of posting NOTHING on OH that violated TOS they then decided that she should be banned and further claim that she should be banned for something she said here?
How stupid do these moderators think any of us are? How insulting are they willing to be about our intellect and understanding in order to foster their own agenda? Their efforts at obfuscation are rendering them increasingly transparent in the eyes of OH members.
Kay, common sense speak , come on in mods, nothing happening in this post...