What happened to DianaCox?
This is a really sad state of affairs. Diana is one of the people I have learned the most from here. Without her, I may have ended up with RNY instead of being a few weeks away from my DS surgery. I can't believe that the moderators can't see the good she has done, the thousands of hours she has invested in people here paying it forward. Whether people find her tone offensive is completely irrelevant, there is no reason why offended people can't block if they don't want to be exposed to her brand of information dissemination, though they'll certainly miss out on a lot if they take that approach. Diana is probably the single most helpful person on OH for insurance issues and helping people get the surgery they need and want. All suffer by her absence, even those who won't speak up here.
Bring back Diana Cox!!!
Bring back Diana Cox!!!

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The beginning of a whole new world.
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The beginning of a whole new world.

HW-445 SW-417 CW-162 GW-175

The most relevant thing about all of this is that on FB privacy is NON EXISTENT! Take it as a fair warning. Be very careful about what you write on FB and for that matter what you write anywhere on the web. There is no such thing as privacy! Anything you put out there can and probably will at some time or another be used against you. Knowledge is POWER! Be careful who you give power to. Business is business and OH is big business. Their main concern is advertisers. What they care most about is everybody playing nice so that the advertisers won't get upset. How very sad. And its sure going to make for a dull one sided board. I guess you will only be able to read "the I love my WLS and yes I'm sure you love yours too" posts soon.
(deactivated member)
on 12/16/11 1:34 am
on 12/16/11 1:34 am
I agree that there can be no assumption of privacy on the internet. That really isn't the issue though. The issue is that because of a conversation on an altogther separate site OH banned Diana from this one.
That is not just an invasion of privacy that is an attempt to stop free speech. Imagine if someone from another group read the post you just made and decided to use it to ban you from that group.
There is nothing in TOS that says a person can't ***** about problems on OH elsewhere. We know they erase those kinds of posts here with alarming regularity, but now they are reaching into private groups and using information found there to ban people here.
They have all our email addresses. Is it really a reach to think that they might use something from our own emails to ban us?
That is not just an invasion of privacy that is an attempt to stop free speech. Imagine if someone from another group read the post you just made and decided to use it to ban you from that group.
There is nothing in TOS that says a person can't ***** about problems on OH elsewhere. We know they erase those kinds of posts here with alarming regularity, but now they are reaching into private groups and using information found there to ban people here.
They have all our email addresses. Is it really a reach to think that they might use something from our own emails to ban us?
I understand and agree with you that DC was perhaps banned from OH because of something discussed on another site. And that's not fair. My point is that people are losing out not only on web forums they are also being punished on job opportunities because of things posted by themselves and heaven forbid others on the web. Its a new world we are living in and its not at all fair.
Dianna Cox needs to be reinstated, period. OH is cutting off it's nose despite it's face.
Duodenal Switch hybrid due to complications.
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