I am 2 mo. out!
Tomorrow, I will be 2 months out and life is great; so great that I haven’t had much time to get on this site. It is amazing to me all the things I can do that I couldn’t or had a hard time doing before. I can bend down and tie my shoes without feeling like I am going to die from lack of oxygen. I can turn over in bed without struggling and felling like a beached whale. I can put on clothes and they fit just right without my pants rolling down, or my shirt rising up. There is a whole list of big things, but also there are so many little things. Like I noticed the other night when I sat in an auditorium seat to watch my son’s girlfriend sing that I didn’t feel like I was all crammed into the seat with my stomach all poking out. I just felt normal and like everyone else. Having the surgery was probably the best decision I could have ever made, and I am truly thankful I was able to get it to save my life. For all the newbie’s: I MY RNY!
Thanks to all my OH friends for cheering me on these last couple of months and making this journey easier. There are pictures on my site if you want to take a peak.