What post op (first month) complication did you have or anything you have experienced?
I am a band revision to the sleeve on Nov. 23. I was in the hospital for 5 days. I vomited for 4 days straight in the hospital. On the 4th day I was able to sip broth but still vomiting up clear foam and fluid. The 5th day I was discharge and spiting up foam. The foam spiting was there until day 8. I had my first post op visit and I lost 17lbs trust me right now I do not care about the weight, but how awful I feel. I am so emotional and this recovery has been extremely hard on me. When I had the lap band done it was a breeze. The doctor told me this is all to be expected. I was told I could try soup, applesauce, liquid yogurt, cream of wheat. I was looking forward to something more than clear liquids, but to be so disappointed. Thursday night I slowly had 1/3 cup soup...dumped it. Friday I had 1/3 cup applesauce everything was going fine it took me 3 hours to get it down, I took a small walk and dumped it. My esophagus is sore and burning. I am burping consistently which is good to relieve the pressure. My throat feels so tight. Does it get better? Has anyone experience my story?
are you on a PPI if not id suggest talking to you surgeon, 1/3 cup may have been way too much, try a couple of table spoons at most and see how you go.
foam normally is eating or drinking too fast or too big of a sip.. when i was released i could only drink a couple of ounces of soup broth in a medicine size cup to begin and tiny tiny sips then i didnt have any more soup for a couple of hours.. i sipped on water with sugar free mix in it or low cal gater raid inbetween..

6lbs under goal weight
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I cant talk to the band, but for me the sleeve when you eat too much you get pressure in your sternum and it backs up into the throat area... and then you get the foamies
I know you said it took 3 hours but im wondering if you only try like a little at a time and just sip on other fluids in between... dont worry so much about getting in food or protein quotas although important... for the first month its really important to stay hydrated...
Because you were so sick in the hospital it might all have been agrivated by all the vomiting... Id just take things really slow where food is concerned try a couple of teaspoons see if you can keep that down of your apple sauce, or could take in a ounce or so of protein shake at a time too.. see if that stays down.. and like i said in between keep sipping on your other fluids... if that does not work then id definatly contact the surgeon again..

6lbs under goal weight
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Dave Chambers, 6'3" tall, 365 before RNY, 185 low, 200 currently. My profile page: product reviews, tips for your journey, hi protein snacks, hi potency delicious green tea, and personal web site.
on 12/2/11 2:55 pm
2) Are you drinking protein and if so, what kind and how many grams a day?
3) I know you want real food but all you need right now is water and protein mixed with WATER. Everything is swollen. the more you vomit, the more it will swell. Real food will come... First, heal!!! You should be sipping water and protein the entire day.