Is it pathetic?
Having WLS only makes you lose weight - it is no guarantee of a happy and fulfilled life with a fantastic partner and perfect children - in fact, it will bring you a whole new slew of issues to worry about (possible saggy boobs - which you are already stressing about - and skin issues), how to deal with the extra attention etc!
If you are not having therapy currently, you should definitely consider it - to work through your failed one-sided relationship and to deal with the emotions etc that will come along with losing weight.
If you want to talk about being single before and after WLS come hang out on the Singles Board where you'll get the real "skinny" :
If you are not having therapy currently, you should definitely consider it - to work through your failed one-sided relationship and to deal with the emotions etc that will come along with losing weight.
If you want to talk about being single before and after WLS come hang out on the Singles Board where you'll get the real "skinny" :
Proud Feminist, Atheist, LGBT friend, and Democratic Socialist
Bravo Kelly, MM and Kim!
You said it all-I met the love of my life and married him at my heaviest. I was always very confident and loved myself first....and apparently it showed because this normal weight, gorgeous man that I decided I must have is mine!!
Only the size of your ass and jeans will change with surgery. Put yourself first, find things about you that you love and let the world see what is on the inside....the rest will take care of itself.
You said it all-I met the love of my life and married him at my heaviest. I was always very confident and loved myself first....and apparently it showed because this normal weight, gorgeous man that I decided I must have is mine!!
Only the size of your ass and jeans will change with surgery. Put yourself first, find things about you that you love and let the world see what is on the inside....the rest will take care of itself.
I'm sure there are a lot of people saying they're just wanting to live a healthier life that secretly are hoping for the fringe benefits of landing a man, getting a better job, eating lunch at the "cool table" with that clique you watch from afar. We can have one goal, but the selfish desires are there, too, and to deny they exist is ludicrous.
Now, these all may still not happen despite weight loss, for many of us realize that our weight isn't the core of our issues afterall. Do yourself a good self-check to make sure you're not harboring other reasons that your hopes and dreams don't come true.
Now, these all may still not happen despite weight loss, for many of us realize that our weight isn't the core of our issues afterall. Do yourself a good self-check to make sure you're not harboring other reasons that your hopes and dreams don't come true.
DS 2005
There is room on this earth for all of God's creatures..
next to the mashed potatoes
Thank you all so much for your advice and support. It means so much to me! You all have made very valid points. I do have a therapist who I see weekly. Sometimes it's not so easy for me to talk to her about certain things because I think well she's never been bigger, she has no idea what I am going through... which is why I am so grateful to have all of you guys.