As we approach Black Friday...

Samaro ..
on 11/21/11 1:07 pm
on 11/21/11 7:37 pm - Raleigh, NC
Playing WITH them can never be over rated! 

RNY 10/19/09 - Revision to VSG 10/13/14 - Dr Paul Enochs 



on 11/21/11 7:36 pm - Raleigh, NC
LOL my grandson is 2, and loves crawling around with me on the floor with his cars (just like his daddy). My 8 year old granddaughter loves to do crafts and bake, and the two 4 year olds (boy and girl) love to "help". All four love to color. Plenty to do without flipping a switch or hearing a "bling" or "blip".  

RNY 10/19/09 - Revision to VSG 10/13/14 - Dr Paul Enochs 



(deactivated member)
on 11/22/11 1:20 am
Yep, I spent 3 or 4 hours yesterday building a 'fort' big enough for both of us!  Well, we made a cake also.  My granddaughter only play with toys when she can't find someone to play with her.

Usually, if I buy toys they are more learning instuments or books, she loves books!
on 11/21/11 11:51 am
Even if I HAD the money, I'd rather be whipped with a wet squirrel that go shopping on Black Friday.

Yes, I survived without it---but I'm still pretty pissed over that no-pony business myself. (*grin*)
loretta cowels
on 11/22/11 2:42 am - MI
RNY on 04/16/12
I had to commet on this post its been six years ago I was just divorced not alot of money but there was this girl friend of my kids. Her mom up and left her and decided not to come back was with some guy. Left this 12 year old in a house not fit to live in no heat no food. I didnt have the money but i took her in as my own. She was use to not having much and never asked for alot i got alot of slack at first from my mom asking me how could i treat her like she was mine bla bla. any way shes a great kid and she has taught me alot about . wants and needs she was happy to have a warm bed and food . Shes my daughter now I have four of my own and two step boys. The older ones know im not buying for them this year because thats not what its about im buying for my baby [2] and grandbaby, As for the girl i took in she we pick her up from college tonight. she says she would not of probly got to of gone if it wasnt for me. but i love her and even though some times we struggled for money if there was anougher kid like her out there id do it all over again she taught me as much as i taught her. and i hope as she gets older she remembers to love her children like i loved her. Loretta
on 11/21/11 1:31 pm - Kennewick, WA
We like to pick names off of the trees of kids that need presents. I know that there are families that take advantage of those programs for sure. I grew up knowing a bunch of them, but we don't let that stop us. I'm not going to be bitter by some people that try to ruin it for others by being greedy.

The girls pick other girls their ages or someone that they identify with. Jeff and I do the tree for the disabled, they are still kids too and love to get gifts. They are very often the first to be forgotten. Growing up with a little brother that is mentally retarded and autistic, I have a very soft spot.

Jeff was laid off in 08 and we were hit hard. I didn't know what we were going to do for Christmas. I didn't know if we'd be put out of our house really. Luckily, the grandparents told us not to worry about the girls, they'd be taken care of. Of which I was very grateful. But, the girls still wanted to do the giving tree.

We went and they carefully looked over the names. Abbey was 10 at the time and she found a girl that was 13, oh the excitement. An older girl this year! A middle schooler even! She read to us what the girl wanted and I felt so sad. This girl was asking for shampoo & conditioner, soap, lotion, and socks. It was such a humble request. My children have never had to want for those things, and this child did. It also happened to list her size, but she didn't ask for clothes.

Lindsay was 8, but picked a 5 year old girl. She wanted socks, something with Hanna Montana on it, a baby doll, and a good book. All things Lindsay was a fan of and couldn't wait to pick out for this little girl.

We asked the girls what they wanted to get their girls. They both wanted to get everything on the list. We explained to them we didn't have enough money that year to do it. They both agreed that they didn't want gifts from us, they wanted to spend the money on these kids. That is exactly what we did.

I took Abbey and Jeff took Lindsay and off we went through the store. We got Abbey's pick 3 pairs of jeans that were on clearance, but very nice, 4 shirts, 2 sweaters, and a huge pack of socks. All of which was on clearance. We also picked out great smelling toiletries and in large sizes so they'd last a long time. Abbey wanted to get her a brush, hair things, and a charm bracelet too.

Jeff came back with a very excited Lindsay that found a really great baby doll that she assured me a 5 year old would like. It also needed the pack of bottles that drain when you tip them upside down. They picked out a big pack of cute multi colored socks, a Hanna Montana sweatshirt, and a few books. One of the reasons they took longer than us was that Lindsay was being very selective over which books would be best.

Jeff and I picked out our gifts for our giving tree people, but they were more modest. Also very specific, so that made it easy.

It all came to about 100$ and that was all we had put aside for Christmas. I will always remember that Christmas. I was so proud of my girls and so keenly aware how good we had it even though we were unemployed. We had food, warmth, each other, and so much more. I know, I'm sappy, but we did and do. That's more than a lot of people have.

I hoped that they go to families that really needed them. I know that the charity we support does make sure they are in need. I can tell because there isn't one child that is asking for an Xbox or something like that. I have seen that before from other organizations.

It's part of our atheist Christmas tradition and I think it's pretty awesome.
on 11/21/11 6:43 pm
I agree.  Every year I buy less and less.  The holidays are not about material things.  It is about celebrating with your family.  Celebrating according to your faith or beliefs.  The material things are so temporary and unnecessary.



(deactivated member)
on 11/21/11 9:07 pm - Califreakinfornia , CA
You never cease to amaze me with your intelligence. I just love and adore you my Sue.
on 11/22/11 1:40 am - Lake Zurich, IL
Love this Sue - and agree... but...

Here's another view of Black Friday. Every year my grown daughter and I get up early and go to one or two stores to get specific things we've earmarked. Usually we have to wait in line in the dark, but that's fun with her too. Maybe gifts, maybe just stuff we've been waiting to get until they went on sale. Then we go have breakfast together and have had a good start to our day.

The insanity of trying to do all my shopping on that day, in those lines... ugh! Never even considered it!
Circumferential LBL, anchor TT, BL/BR, brachioplasty 12-16-10 Drs. Howard and Gutowski

Thigh lift 3-24-11, Drs. Howard and Gutowski again!
Height 5' 5".  Start point 254.  DH's goal: 154.  My guess: 144.  Insurance goal: 134.  Currently bouncing around 130-135.
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